Video Cell phone: When will we have them?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A Verizon rep told me that they have video phones in use (I forget if it was Japan or Europe).

Anybody hear when we'll have them? I think it would be great to see the person live as your talking to them.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    we have them here in New Zealand
  • Reply 2 of 5
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member

    Originally posted by sc_markt

    A Verizon rep told me that they have video phones in use (I forget if it was Japan or Europe).

    Anybody hear when we'll have them? I think it would be great to see the person live as your talking to them.

    I have one. It's not that great.

    I mean, the video feature. I've used it once, to see if I could. I get 20 minutes of video calls free a month, and still I prefer good old fashioned voice calls!

    The phone (Nokia 6680) is otherwise great - the video stuff is just something I never find occasion to use.

  • Reply 3 of 5
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Video telephony was supposed to be the "killer app" of 3G. But people don´t use it here either, even if the price is the same as with normal GSM calls.

    The other thing 3G is used for is fast data transfer. But the speed of 2G and 2.5G as GPRS and Edge is adequate for most uses. And now (comparable much cheaper) Wimax is getting more and more widespread I really don´t see a specific selling point for 3G two-three years from now. It is a very limited number of people needing wireless speeds above Edge in rural areas. And IP-over-Wimax may even turn out to be a threath to the basic service of GSM, speech and text.
  • Reply 4 of 5

    Originally posted by Amorya

    I have one. It's not that great.


    I had one a year ago.

    On the execrable 3 network,, who were practically giving the things away.

    I used it, I think, three times, as a joke to call my brother. There's only one decent 3G phone and that's the new SE phone. Mine was a Motorola E1000 with a battery life of exactly one day. They're pretty pointless in my opinion. You can't use one and, say, walk at the same time, and the battery life isn't great at all. If your phone's set to 3G then you get dropped calls constantly as you go between 2G-only and 3G cells.

    In the end I went back to 02 because 3 is the worst network on the planet.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Video calls have been making their coming for 20 years, and still hardly anyone uses them, I quess there is some applications where it's handy, virtual doctor appointments for example, but most of the times why would you want to make video call and even more so why would you wan't to receive video call? You can receive normal calls in toilet, in a rush bus, and basicly anywhere and the other end never knows where you are. Most people feel video calls intruding their privacy and people don't like their privacy violated.
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