
in General Discussion edited January 2014
This was an interesting article about Dell and its current problems:,1759...119TX1K0000594

Specifically, from the article:

Signs that Dell is delusional or blind...


A recent Dell ad in Variety, Hollywood's trade magazine, had the word "Style" surrounded by jewels splashed across a glossy picture of a Dell portable music player.

Signs that Dell just doesn't get that Apple design isn't (just) about form but also function...


Dell's new XPS personal computers abandon the beige box in favor of sleek titanium, silver and black designs aimed at conveying strength, drama and boldness. An XPS gaming desktop has a backlit plastic shield on the front suggesting combat-readiness. Its keyboard is illuminated in blue.

And signs that Dell's "race to the bottom" pricing strategy isn't a very good (long-term) business strategy (emphasis mine)...


Dell Chief Executive Kevin Rollins said on Thursday the XPS line is key to Dell's strategy of boosting profit by selling high-end, more expensive computers. Dell, the world's biggest computer maker, has had six quarters of decelerating revenue growth as it lowered prices on entry-level consumer PCs too aggressively.

And other interesting tidbits:


Apple's 45 percent third-quarter growth eclipsed Dell's 12 percent, while the market as whole grew 17 percent


An XPS gaming notebook sells for $4,610.

$4,600 for a gaming box!?!?


"Customers are not really interested in the trailing edge of technology. What they really want is great technology, the leading edge."

Well...that being the case...I know a company they should take a gander at.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    Dell is still a pretty large company, and I think they're just throwing out bait and seeing if it gets any bites. I think for now and for the forseeable future Dell's staple will continue to be it's commercial sales and support unit. Comparing Dell to Apple doesn't seem productive, since Apple doesn't put much into commercial sales and support, and, at the end of the day, Dell doesn't put much into non-commodity products of any sort.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Oh look, an Apple apologist bashing Dell. Surprise!
  • Reply 3 of 5

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Oh look, an Apple apologist bashing Dell. Surprise!

    But it's so fun...and so easy...
  • Reply 4 of 5
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Oh look, an Apple apologist bashing Dell. Surprise!

    From a strictly technology standpoint, picking on dell is like taking candy from a baby.
  • Reply 5 of 5

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Oh look, an Apple apologist bashing Dell. Surprise!

    What was most interesting about the article to me was less bashing and more about how their business model of driving prices to zero is in need of reverse...trying to sell more expensive (profitable) computers.
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