Firefox: Middle click links not opening tabs

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
On my old Windows machine I used to use Firefox and my Mircrosoft IntelliPoint mouse. I could middle click links and they would open in a tab, or mid click a tab and it would close.

However using the same mouse and the latest version of Firefox on Mac, this no longer works. In the IntelliPoint prefs I have the wheel button set to auto-scroll, like it used to be on my PC. Now when I mid click a link it just acts as an auto-scroll click.

Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?

Also on an unrelated note, I also use my Apple wireless mouse and it seems to have horrible tracking. If you move slightly fast it looses track and the arrow just freezes or goes backwards. Is mine defective or it it just a crappy product?
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