iTools / iPhoto Question...

in Mac Software edited January 2014

just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on using iphoto and my idisk?

I published a photo album yesterday, automatically named 'photalbum1' as a trial. It published to iTools with no problems...

I want to get rid of this from my idisk, and have deleted the actual photos, but when I try to delete the 'site' from the 'site' section of my idisk it says it is 'locked' and owned by the server...

How can I get rid of the first album, as I really don't need or want it kept?? when I go to the address now, all I get is the missing picture icons as I have deleted them...

I have now published a second album, but if I give the address out, I have to specify the actual address, ( where as when there was only 1 album I could just give out <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; + my username.... I know it is abit pedantic, but it kind of annoys me!

Any help would be really appreciated




  • Reply 1 of 2
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    Log into iTools using your webbrowser... you can specify the page that loads when somone types in your addtess ( you cannot re-name the photoalbums, but you can delete them in the same fashoin... just look for a link on the iTools Homepage page...


  • Reply 2 of 2
    marcusmarcus Posts: 227member
    Thanks very much, I've just got it sorted out!

    Your help was much appreciated,

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