Logic on Intel Macs...

in Mac Software edited January 2014
So what's likely to happen with Logic (and other Apple apps) when the switch to Intel begins? Does it seem like they'll be released immediately, or very soon after the switch starts, or will it take a while?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by peter_l

    So what's likely to happen with Logic (and other Apple apps) when the switch to Intel begins? Does it seem like they'll be released immediately, or very soon after the switch starts, or will it take a while?

    Over lunch last week, Steve Jobs told me that Apple will have to divest itself of Logic because Apple's programmers don't have the expertise to program large professional applications that will work properly on Intel processors. Microsoft has agreed to purchase the product, with Bill Gates heading up the development team. Some people will be disappointed to hear this, but take heart. Apple will take over a major Microsoft app that most Mac users use everyday. However, Apple and Microsoft have yet to complete the negotiations for the transfer.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    (Har, har)

    Anyway, given that Aperture is the newest Pro app and is not a Universal Binary, it seems pretty clear that Pro apps will wait for PowerMacs and Powerbooks later in 2006 or even 2007. (Or vice versa, they're interdependent).

    The rumors of Intel Mac minis makes sense. The consumer apps and the consumer hardware lines will go UB/Intel first to keep the Pro customers at ease with a later transition.
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