Harvey Danger and a cool idea.

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
If you are not familiar with the band Harvey Danger they had a couple of radio songs in the late 90's you might remember. They had one song that got a lot of play called "Flagpole Sitta" and they also did a cover of "Save It For Later" that was on the "100 Cigarettes" Soundtrack.

They then released an album called "King James Version" that in my opinion was cruelly unnoticed. I assume after the album stiffed that they were dropped by their label and broke up. A couple of years later though they decided to reform and record a new record.

They recorded enough for two albums and what they've done is you can by the cd directly from them which contains both records and some other cool stuff or you can download the main cd here You can also read more about the reasons for doing it. Anyway I think the record is pretty cool and the idea of releasing it themselves and putting it out for free is awesome. It has at least three or four songs that I really dig and thought some of you might enjoy.


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