extended battery life for 15" powerbook?

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
hello, i have a 15" powerbook. its not the new one but the series previous to the new ones. it's fully maxed out and i get around 2:15 of battery on battery saving performance. does anyone know of a good third party battery that gives a longer life, or does anyone know of any ways i can improve my battery life noticeably. thanks


  • Reply 1 of 2
    hxc04hxc04 Posts: 145member
    If you are not using the Airport card, turn it off, same for Bluetooth. Only run apps that you are using, turn down the screen brightness and turn off the backlit keys. Eject all UBS devices you are not using same for CD's.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    Wasn't there a thread about this earlier this week?

    Anyway newertech makes replacement batteries that have slightly higher capacity than the stock apple batter. Also, be sure to try resetting your battery by running it all the way down and charging it all the way back up.

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