Most Hated Christmas Songs

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in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
I normally don't listen to much music, but at this time of year I do enjoy listening to a few holiday tunes. In most cities in the U.S. there are radio stations playing holiday music 24x7. I have a few favorites as do my wife and kids, but there are a few that I hate and choose to change stations (or turn off the radio) when they are played.

My least favorite is "My Favorite Things" by Barbara Steisand. I dislike her and everything about her.

My wife does not like "Christmas Shoes" by Bob Carlisle because it is so depressing.

What Christmas songs do you hate and why?


  • Reply 1 of 15
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    "Have a holly jolly christmas"

    My wife and kids love this dancing cowboy santa that we have had for ever - he dances and sings the song over and over for 6 weeks of the year through a broken speaker.
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  • Reply 2 of 15
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    None pops into mind. Of course, I'm more of a fan of instrumental Christmas music. I'll have to think about this.
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  • Reply 3 of 15
    Easy one. Jingle Bells by Barbra Streisand. Wait, anything by ol' BS sucks.
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  • Reply 4 of 15

    Originally posted by fahlman

    Easy one. Jingle Bells by Barbra Streisand. Wait, anything by ol' BS sucks.

    I recall a BS album from the seventies with her and a bunch of candles. It would make me physically sick whenever I heard it.
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  • Reply 5 of 15
    I hate all christmas songs... There isn't one I like.
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  • Reply 6 of 15
    I like all Christmas music. My favorite is Christmas Eve/Sarajevo by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
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  • Reply 7 of 15
    I can't f**kin' stand "Feliz Navidad." It's one of the most redundant and obnoxious songs ever put on this planet. Quit repeating the same phrase over and over again!!!

    I'm almost to the point where I agree with hardeeharhar; they're all so overplayed. I love Christmas, but I hate a lot of the songs.

    I prefer to call this holiday "Mac-mas" anyway..thanks to Nitrozac and Snaggy at 8)
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  • Reply 8 of 15
    Jingle Bells.

    Nothing personal against the song, but with four kids it got "overdone" about 2 1/2 kids ago. Doesn't help that the 5 year old LOVES to sing it year round. Jingle Bells in June, that's enought to get to anyone.

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  • Reply 9 of 15
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    I've got this apartment-sized clothes washer and for some reason it plays Jingle Bells when the cycle is finished.

    It plays a long time.

    It even gets into "dashing through the snow" part - what's that, 5 bars?

    I get interesting looks when the washer starts playing that song, especially during the summer.
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  • Reply 10 of 15
    Santa Baby gets on my nerves. But you can't beat The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole. That one rules!
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  • Reply 11 of 15
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Jingle Bell Rock. GOD
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  • Reply 12 of 15
    Easily, hands down winner - The Muppets 12 Days of Christmas song.
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  • Reply 13 of 15
    That Waitress's song Christmas wrap gets on my nerves now. I used to like, but now you hear it way too much. Would much rather listen to Vince Guaraldi Trio do Christmas Time is Here from the Charlie Brown Christmas.
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  • Reply 14 of 15
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    I don't mind any of the traditional songs. But I hate the one-offs. The one a few years ago about "Mama's shoes"...UGH. DROVE ME NUTS.
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  • Reply 15 of 15
    I second Feliz Navidad. I've think about shooting Jose Feliciano every time that song comes on.
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