What use is a hack if you can't brag about it?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
let's just say i got a bit of OSx86 action going on vmWare5.0 on winxp64 on my AMD RIG there's something quite inspirational when you hit the about this mac and you see "amd athlon64 3000+ processor pop up" YEAH

Disclaimer: hacking is bad, evil, and kills baby rabbits. as steve jobs said, you don't want to burn in HELL

Edit: honestly, that's all i'm going to say so i hope its kosher with the site admins, i'm not gonna post screenies or benchmarks or anything. just wanted to share my revelation. yes, i am far behind those l337 haXX0rs but whatever. the personal satisfaction is, well, very satisfying.

i will say the only challenge is to scrounge around for the stuff that isn't universal binaries...


  • Reply 1 of 10
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Lucky. I know I'll be visiting the hot place, but I really want to do that to my PC. I just can't STAND windows anymore! I'd give Apple money too but they are being a stick in the mud.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    heh. cool. it's real easy via vmware, give it a try... no super l337 skillz really needed for vmware "install".... anyway i suspect apple has plans to release osX86 to the public to install on any machine*. with a set of support options on top of the software to have strong revenue and support streams. if apple was already going ballistic, i think in a few weeks, apple is going interstellar

    *okay i don't know 100% if this will happen but iSteve definitely wants this option. why else would he prep osX86 to identify a wide range of PC-based hardware, cpu, etc etc?
  • Reply 3 of 10

    *okay i don't know 100% if this will happen but iSteve definitely wants this option. why else would he prep osX86 to identify a wide range of PC-based hardware, cpu, etc etc? [/B]

    This allows Apple to use a wide range of hardware in their new systems don't for a minute think Apple will allow a clone market to reappear it almost killed them the last time it would be foolish now.
  • Reply 4 of 10

    Originally posted by TekMate

    This allows Apple to use a wide range of hardware in their new systems don't for a minute think Apple will allow a clone market to reappear it almost killed them the last time it would be foolish now.

    yeah i think this is a strong reason, that apple does not want to run into those fiascos ever again, like they have with ibm and moto/freescale. they would want to be able to very rapidly tap into alternative vendors should things not go 100% perfect with intel. or at the very least if they stick with intel they would want to be able to tap into a wide product range and not be so dependent on one particular chipset and/or cpu.

    for macintels next year if for some bizarre reason yonah bombs out they can still sustain excellent profits and produce great products with the pentium M for mac mini, iBook, maybe even powerbook.

    well i'm just rambling on here but i think at the end of the day everyone that has tried osX86 is pleasantly surprised by the fluidity of it. and imagine, all this is still Beta. i have much mad respects for G5Altivec, as demonstrated for me through Propellerhead.Se Reason software music synthesis. but for day to day computing tasks and "office productivity" type things, plus CD ripping, the latest X86 CPUs with SSE,SSE2 and SSE3 really *can* handle a beautiful modern operating system like OSX. goodbye g4, rest in peace.

    i still would love to have an iMac g5 though as a kind of souvenir of apple prowess , alongside my super scratch resistant 1st gen ipod mini silver.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    I want to burn in hell, so this is why I did the hack a while back You do have a lot of self gratification though I have to agree.
  • Reply 6 of 10

    Originally posted by O4BlackWRX

    I want to burn in hell, so this is why I did the hack a while back You do have a lot of self gratification though I have to agree.

    dude, just browsing the internet in mac os x86 is a pleasure compared to using windoze -- even though i have no flash on my safari yet... 8) and iPhoto works great, f***k that picasa bollocks
  • Reply 7 of 10
    I was totally agreeing with you, surfing on my HP and seeing Safari is much better then winblows IE. It really is cool to do and I don't think Steve knows what he unleashed, but in due time he will. But I already have plans to buy 2 Intel Powerbooks so maybe he does
  • Reply 8 of 10
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    The "whole nine yards" install of MacOSX86 really isn't that hard if you know how to follow instructions.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    Originally posted by O4BlackWRX

    I was totally agreeing with you, surfing on my HP and seeing Safari is much better then winblows IE. It really is cool to do and I don't think Steve knows what he unleashed, but in due time he will. But I already have plans to buy 2 Intel Powerbooks so maybe he does

    heh. ol' iSteve knows exactly what he is doing at this point in time. he is owning
  • Reply 10 of 10

    Originally posted by Placebo

    The "whole nine yards" install of MacOSX86 really isn't that hard if you know how to follow instructions.

    i agree, but i am a lazy bastard and sound smart when i talk but actually i am not that with it

    is rosetta SSE3 on amd64 via vmware a major issue? is this sorted via a native install? for 10.4.2 i can't get much info on this. and it is currently way too hard for me to get 10.4.3

    so i'm happy with what i have. and via vmware i can more or less use pc and mac simultaneously. it is totally awesome.
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