...networking mini macs question...help...

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014

a Windows PC friend of mine asked me about networking Mini macs using Network Storage and Sand.

Like i said hes a Windows dude and currently does it using PC's but can Mini macs replace his PC's?...or even work together with the PC's...????...

im a G4, G5 dude myself but my knowledge goes as far as producing 2D/3D graphics.

any help would be really welcome



  • Reply 1 of 1

    Originally posted by Boo-yar!


    a Windows PC friend of mine asked me about networking Mini macs using Network Storage and Sand.

    Like i said hes a Windows dude and currently does it using PC's but can Mini macs replace his PC's?...or even work together with the PC's...????...

    im a G4, G5 dude myself but my knowledge goes as far as producing 2D/3D graphics.

    any help would be really welcome


    Pretty much plug them in and go.

    The new macs should see the windows network right away.
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