Please help me with idvd

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I edited a 2 hour film festival on final cut pro 3 and have been trying to put all the shorts on two seperate dvd's as seperate video tracks. I have had to first export each short to a "final cut pro movie" then export each of those to quicktime. My first attempt at one of these dvd's didn't work because I exported all the quicktimes with the audio set at 44.1 and apparently dvd players can only do 48. Now I tried again after exporting all these clips with the correct audio, and it still won't play on stand alone dvd players or pc's. I think the problem is either the fact that for the menus i used mp3s ripped in itunes (and those are probably in 44.1???) or smthg. else with my export settings. I've been exporting them as quicktime, of course, but with the "quality" set to the highest, the framerate set to 29.97 and i left the key frame marker checked because i have no idea what that is. Additionally, i set the audio as mentioned above on stereo and without compressor. Lastly, I didn't prepare for internet streaming. I can try fixing any of these possible problems, but i'd rather someone with some experience help me out before i burn another $5 coaster. Thanks.

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