iChat AV videoconferencing never works ever
No wonder webcams always get tossed; why aren't there better standards in place to make this stuff work? I can never get videoconferencing to work ever, so I'm getting no use out of my iSight.
Is it PC users and AIM that's the problem? I use an Airport Express; they use whatever cheapo one Best Buy has. Who needs to open ports here? Is it Windows Firewall that's the problem, or their router, or my router? I was under the impression that Zeroconf/Bonjour/NAT Traversal took care of things on my side, though I've tried opening ports and it didn't help any. I'm tearing my hair out here.
Who has success stories with their iSight and iChat AV?
Is it PC users and AIM that's the problem? I use an Airport Express; they use whatever cheapo one Best Buy has. Who needs to open ports here? Is it Windows Firewall that's the problem, or their router, or my router? I was under the impression that Zeroconf/Bonjour/NAT Traversal took care of things on my side, though I've tried opening ports and it didn't help any. I'm tearing my hair out here.
Who has success stories with their iSight and iChat AV?
For a more seamless experience that traverses networks in almost any case, wait for Skype to support video on the Macs and video for FireWire-based cameras.
Mac to Mac works great of course.
Mac to Windows works fine also... the Windows end needs to be running the latest AIM client ... and they don't get "re-sizeable" or "full-screen" video windows, but the videochat still works. I do know that the Windows end has the firewall turned OFF... though I don't know if it NEEDs to be that way.