vingle pict in iTMS

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
it only shows when iTunes 1st loads.

vingle pict in iTMS

it doesn't seem to lead to anything special yet, just a PCD vid.


  • Reply 1 of 16
    Where in that pic should I be looking?
  • Reply 2 of 16
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member

    Originally posted by Strawberry

    Where in that pic should I be looking?

    "The Pussycat Dolls: Exclusive Vingle Premiere"
  • Reply 3 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    What's the deal with this?
  • Reply 4 of 16

    Originally posted by PB

    What's the deal with this?

    The word 'vingle'.
  • Reply 5 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    The word 'vingle'.

    Aha, I see, thanks. So this is the name of the new video service from Apple.
  • Reply 6 of 16
    Wikipedia says Vingle is a combination of video and single, which would make sense in this case. But still...
  • Reply 7 of 16
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Wow, I mean what Earth shattering news this is. I can?t wait to see the Elton John wearing a Chicken suit while singing ?Rocket Man?.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    The gist of the Vingle appears to be that you get the video and song for $2.49, instead of $1.99 for the video and $0.99 for the song.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally posted by edibiase

    The gist of the Vingle is that you get the video and song for $2.49, instead of $1.99 for the video and $1.99 for the song.

    So now your saying I "have to" pay an additional 50 cents to see Elton John wearing a Chicken suit while singing ?Rocket Man?.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    Call me when they have NiN "vingles"...
  • Reply 12 of 16
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    So a "Vingle" appears to be the contraction of "Video" and "Jingle," and is a discounted rate for the purchase of a song and its music video. But...

    I thought you could play the audio of a music video on your iPod just like any other song. If you access the music video in the "Music" menu, then all you get is the audio. Why on earth would you want to buy both, then?
  • Reply 13 of 16

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    So a "Vingle" appears to be the contraction of "Video" and "Jingle," and is a discounted rate for the purchase of a song and its music video. But...

    I thought you could play the audio of a music video on your iPod just like any other song. If you access the music video in the "Music" menu, then all you get is the audio. Why on earth would you want to buy both, then?

    I hope to God that Apple and Jobs deliver something a bit more exciting than this Video and Single 'Vingle' .
  • Reply 14 of 16
    $2.49 and in the UK £2.37 - nice exchange rate Apple. Thanks...

    Anyone else on ArsTechnica's IRC channel waiting?


  • Reply 15 of 16

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    So a "Vingle" appears to be the contraction of "Video" and "Jingle," and is a discounted rate for the purchase of a song and its music video. But...

    I thought you could play the audio of a music video on your iPod just like any other song. If you access the music video in the "Music" menu, then all you get is the audio. Why on earth would you want to buy both, then?

    "Video" and "single" is more like it I think. Now you can buy the single as a music file so you can burn it to a CD or listen to it on your older iPods for only 50 cents more. I don't know how true your latter statement is.
  • Reply 16 of 16
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member
    Looks like the price was dropped to $1.99 for the video AND single....
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