Handbrake doesn't work in 10.4.4!!!

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
What is going on? Why doesnt handbrake work? Instead of the usual app picture, it is a question mark. Is it just not formatted for 10.4.4 yet or is something else happening? is there a way i can go back to 10.4.3 until this is fixed?


  • Reply 1 of 6

    Originally posted by Cato988

    What is going on? Why doesnt handbrake work? Instead of the usual app picture, it is a question mark. Is it just not formatted for 10.4.4 yet or is something else happening? is there a way i can go back to 10.4.3 until this is fixed?

    Mine still seems to be working. Try re installing it first.
  • Reply 2 of 6

    Originally posted by ROCjetblue320

    Mine still seems to be working. Try re installing it first.

    The website handbrake.m0k.org isnt working. Does anyone know why?
  • Reply 3 of 6
    Version Tracker has it still.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    cato988cato988 Posts: 307member

    Originally posted by ROCjetblue320

    Version Tracker has it still.

    i found it on there but it did not work
  • Reply 5 of 6
    Must be something with your system. I updated to 10.4 and then used handbrake lastnight with no problems. Sorry about the problem
  • Reply 6 of 6
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I thought I would test it, it works for me. I have four one hour episodes queued up, and it is on the second episode. The computer is a Dual PowerMac G5 2.5, PCI-X, running 10.4.4.

    You might try a Permission Repair.

    Unfortunately, Versiontracker, et. al. don't mirror their files.

    Stuff like this is why I save the installer file to a folder that contains downloaded software. This is especially important for the "grey" apps used to crack copy protection because those get taken down very often after a C&D letter. See if you can PM me, I can dig up my copy if you like.

    I also do a system backup before doing any update that might alter the system, any update that requires a restart is a good rule of thumb, but I think backups need to be done more often than that.

    This is a slimmed down version of Handbrake for iPod, it is still available:

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