best way to fix cracked screen

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Long story short, I have a spiderweb crack on my 15.2' Aluminum Powerbook display, my warranty is expired so i figure if i go to the apple store it would be horribly expensive. I found a site for 670$ they will overnight ship, replace screen, overnight ship back. I found screens online for much more expensive.

what do you guys think? what should I do



  • Reply 1 of 4

    Originally posted by djmb

    Long story short, I have a spiderweb crack on my 15.2' Aluminum Powerbook display, my warranty is expired so i figure if i go to the apple store it would be horribly expensive. I found a site for 670$ they will overnight ship, replace screen, overnight ship back. I found screens online for much more expensive.

    what do you guys think? what should I do


    Apple doesn't replace LCD screens, I am pretty sure if a screen is busted like that they just replace the whole computer. Mind you, you could still just hook it up to an external monitor and run it in clamshell mode.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    djmbdjmb Posts: 120member
    yea i have an external its just kind of annoying having a spiderweb on the upper left of the screen, especially when i want to lay in bed with the notebook and chat or whatever. seems like my only option, or i can just save up for a new macbook pro
  • Reply 3 of 4
    Actually, i sent my computer in because of big spots on the screen and a few dead pixles and they just replaced the screen, i was given the same computer back.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    djmbdjmb Posts: 120member
    how much did it cost though
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