iPod Update: Must plug into external power. What?!

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Boy, am I glad I have an external power adapter for my iPod photo. I updated the software just now and my Mac said I needed to disconnect it from the computer and plug into an external power supply. The iPod's screen showed a little icon that indicated plugging into an A/C outlet.

Plugging the iPod back into the computer didn't work. Plugging it into a powered USB hub didn't work. I HAD to plug it into my adapter (which I don't hardly ever use, so it's kept stored away). What is the deal?! What do people without power adapters do...besides give Apple more money?

Shady. Very shady, Apple.


  • Reply 1 of 6

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Boy, am I glad I have an external power adapter for my iPod photo. I updated the software just now and my Mac said I needed to disconnect it from the computer and plug into an external power supply. The iPod's screen showed a little icon that indicated plugging into an A/C outlet.

    Plugging the iPod back into the computer didn't work. Plugging it into a powered USB hub didn't work. I HAD to plug it into my adapter (which I don't hardly ever use, so it's kept stored away). What is the deal?! What do people without power adapters do...besides give Apple more money?

    Shady. Very shady, Apple.

    iPods released without adapters have different upgrade mechanisms. You just leave it in the computer while it does its thing.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    This is how they work with pre-5G iPods. I'm surprised you never noticed.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I don't recall having to plug in the power adapter before. I HAVE been required to unplug from the Mac and replug it, but not go out of my way to find my little-used power adapter.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I wonder if that's just stock text. I would just plug it back in, it won't sync up to the Mac again until the firmware update is finalized.

    For those wondering, here are the details of the update itself:

    iPod Updater 2006-01-10 delivers:

    iPod Software 1.1 for iPod

    iPod Software 1.1 for iPod nano

    iPod Software 1.2.1 for iPod with color display

    iPod Software 1.4.1 for iPod mini

    iPod Software 3.1.1 for iPod with Click Wheel

    For all other iPod models, iPod Updater 2006-01-10 contains the same software versions as iPod Updater 2005-11-17.

    Important: After downloading the iPod Updater software, connect your iPod to your computer and launch the iPod Updater application. If iPod Updater determines that your iPod needs to be updated, click the Update button to install the latest software on your iPod.

    Features of iPod Software 1.1 for iPod, and iPod Software 1.1 for iPod nano:

    Support for the iPod Radio Remote

    Bug fixes

    Changes to iPod Software 1.2.1 for iPod with color display, iPod Software 1.4.1 for iPod mini, and iPod Software 3.1.1 for iPod with Click Wheel:

    Bug fixes
  • Reply 5 of 6
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I have a 3G, and I've never had to plug it in.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    My old 1G does that. But it came with the power adapter.
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