Griffin FM transmitters

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I have been on mac mall all day and I can't decide.

This one seems to fit all of my needs. It charges and I can listen to toons w/o fear of the battery running out which is my main concern.

Then there is this:

I like the idea of the LX or DX modes. But I think I would need a power adapter to keep my ipod charged.

Lastly there is this one:

I'm leaning toward this one b/c it isn't balky, it provides what I need and it's a couple bucks cheaper then the first one.

Any suggestions?? Thank you


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Yeah here is some advice - get the Newer Tech RoadTrip+ from Its cheap and it bloody well works. I was this close to shelling out $80 for the Monster iCarPlay until I happened upon the RoadTrip+ from Newer. I got a deal, the transmitter and the wall power adapter for $25, which included shipping.
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Originally posted by DanMacMan

    Yeah here is some advice - get the Newer Tech RoadTrip+ from Its cheap and it bloody well works. I was this close to shelling out $80 for the Monster iCarPlay until I happened upon the RoadTrip+ from Newer. I got a deal, the transmitter and the wall power adapter for $25, which included shipping.


    i'm gonna check it out!
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