Outlook Exchange for Mac?

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
Anyone here use Outlook Exchange?

I'm a bit confused on whether or not I can use it?

It says you need to have a Microsoft exchange server?

What exactly is that? Do I need additional software?

I've got a PC and a couple of Macs which I'd like to be able to share calender and contacts with.

Is this the solution?



  • Reply 1 of 3
    IOW, you have to set up the MS Exchange email server in order to use the Mac Outlook client. It doesn't support internet standards POP, SMTP, and IMAP (unlike Outlook XP for Windows). How well it works, I don't know, but you have to run it in the Classic environment; no Carbon version available.

    For just internet standard email, I'd suggest either Outlook Express for the OS 9 users, or MS Entourage (part of Mac Office) for OS 9 or OS X.

    Surprisingly, Entourage seems to offer many client-side features of Outlook, but doesn't connect to the Exchange server (so I've read). Go figure... <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
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  • Reply 2 of 3
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    This has been a big problem for our Dept. Outlook for the Mac is THE WORST app I have ever used outside of beta.

    It has caused so many crashes and freezes on our Macs that many people have resorted to only running it a few times a day to check their mail. Of course this defeats the purpose of having a 'connected' mail/scheduling client.

    The best thing that I can say about it in OSX is that it only brings down the Classic env when it crashes.

    There has been no word from M$ about their X plans for Outlook.

    Here's my theory...M$ is capable of writing good mail clients (OE&Ent). But Outlook is targeted at a corporate environment where M$ does not want Macs to be 1st class citizens. By unleashing such a POS app, they can claim to support competition while at the same time submarining it.
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  • Reply 3 of 3
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I use Entourage X to get/send mail from my university's exchange server. I set it on imap, and it beeps whenever I get e-mail just like the PC outlook people, and it sends just fine.

    It works fine for that, but I can't use the calendar, and perhaps some other features that I'm not even aware of, and don't use anyway.

    Yes, Outlook:mac is the worst program ever. Basically unuseable from within classic on X.

    As far as setting up your own exchange server, I would think MS would charge boo coo bucks for that, but I really have never heard of an individual doing it.
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