Reimporting iPhoto's? how-to?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Okay, so after freakin out over strange behavior on my power book, see earlier post by me, I just upgraded to Tiger, with a clean install. No archiving. I did save info. to iPod, namely my photos. I have tried to import them to new OS (iLife06) and they all came in fine, except they came as one giant library instead of broken down into the rolls I had them as. Anyone know of a way to fix that? I would like to organize them as the actual rolls they were, not albums. I'm willing to drag and drop, but can't figure out how to set up the rolls in the first place, if I even can? Any pointers?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    You should be able to "fake" a new film roll by dragging any photo from the Finder to the iPhoto application. It should then import, and add itself to a new roll. You can then rename the roll, add the photos you want to it, and delete the imported photo you used to create the roll.

    It's not the smoothest way, but it should work.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    cyloncylon Posts: 126member
    Under the iPhoto File menu there is a create film roll command. You might try highlighting the photos you want in a film roll and try the command. Haven't tried it myself, I just organize by photo date.
  • Reply 3 of 3

    Originally posted by Meeces

    Okay, so after freakin out over strange behavior on my power book, see earlier post by me, I just upgraded to Tiger, with a clean install. No archiving. I did save info. to iPod, namely my photos. I have tried to import them to new OS (iLife06) and they all came in fine, except they came as one giant library instead of broken down into the rolls I had them as. Anyone know of a way to fix that? I would like to organize them as the actual rolls they were, not albums. I'm willing to drag and drop, but can't figure out how to set up the rolls in the first place, if I even can? Any pointers?

    I just went thru my iPhotos and found I had a lot of jpegs in the iPhoto folder, but not in iPhoto itself, so I simply renamed my iPhoto Library folder in ~\\Pictures, and then started up iPhoto. Then I dragged my entire old (renamed) iPhoto folder into iPhoto, and it imported all of my photographs. I cataloged them again, set up a few keywords, and I was done.

    All told it took about an hour, with about 15 minutes of my work required.
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