Archive and install question

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I visited the Genius Bar in an Apple store over the weekend so that they can try and solve the problem that I have been having with my Finder not loading the clock, bluetooth, airport, etc. The guy tried doing a safe boot restart and that didn't work so then he asked me to create a new account in order to see if it was just a problem on my account and the clock, bluetooth, airport, etc. still did not load on the "test" account.

The guy then connected my powerbook to this drive and when he logged into it, everything was back on the Finder so he said that the problem is probably a software issue. He gave me two print outs of options that I can do to try and fix it and one of them is to do an "Archive and Install."

Here are the steps:

1. Put the appropriate CD or DVD in the drive

2. Restart the computer

3. Hold down C at the startup chime until you see the Apple logo appear.

4. When you get the installer screen, click on the Continue button several times until you are prompted to choose a hard drive

5. Select your hard drive and hit the options button in the lower left corner.

6. Select "Archive and install" from the menu and hit Ok

7. Hit continue to begin the installation

He told me to archive all of my stuff first before reinstalling and so my question is whether I should just burn everything onto a DVD+R and if so, what program do I use to do this? Or is there any other way of backing up all of my files? The kinds of files that I want to save are programs, music, videos, word documents, pictures, etc.

The other print out that he gave me is called a "Zero and Install." Here are the steps for it:

1. Put the appropriate CD or DVD in the drive

2. Restart the computer

3. Hold down C at the startup chime until you see the Apple logo appear.

4. When you get the installer screen, click up at the installer menu in the upper left hand corner.

5. Select Open Disk Utility

6. Click the erase tab and then click the options button

7. Select "Zero all data" and hit Ok (this will take 45-60 minutes)

8. Quit disk utility

9. Click on the continue button several times until you are prompted to choose a hard drive

10. Select your hard drive and hit the options button in the lower left corner

11. Select "Erase and install" from the menu and hit Ok

12. Hit continue to begin the installation

He suggested that I try the first option and if that didn't work to try the second one. I'm a bit nervous about doing this because I don't want to lose all of my files/programs. So my main question is what do I use to back up all of my files? Thanks.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    regreg Posts: 832member
    I would start by repairing permissions first. See if that solves your problem. Each of the items you mention have a box that needs to be selected, to be in the menu bar. I am assuming that the genius checked for these in System Preferences. As for back ups I use external firewire drives. They are much easier to use, handle and transport than disks.

    I would also do the Archive and Install before the Zero and install. The Archive and Install will transfer over everything and you won't have to reinstall programs or re-register them. It is a big time saver.

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