Universal Pro Apps Update In March=No Pro Apps Updated At NAB?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Just got to thinking that this morning. Unless, Apple is going to rip people off by then offering an update to the latest version of the pro apps for their normal upgrade fee?

But then why the first link on red.com be Apple?

It would seem silly since NAB is the place to make any announcements about video authoring not to mention Final Cut Pro cannot for the life of it handle the camera rumored about at red.

Just thinking out loud here.


  • Reply 1 of 14
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Apple is offering a $49 upgrade to Universal Binary however the new versions of Final Cut Studio should be UB from the getgo.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    Right but what I am saying is they will not be announcing a Universal Binary upgrade at a full point release (example, Final Cut Pro 6). It will be a dot release (like Final Cut Pro 5.1 or something).

    What we are hoping for in April is a brand new version....needless to say, those who have Final Cut Pro 5 will need to purchase another upgrade after they just purchased an upgrade to go Universal.

    Get it?
  • Reply 3 of 14
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Well you don't have to go universal unless you have a new Intel machine. Otherwise you could wait for NAB. I guess they have to make this offer those who switch to the new machines, but don't want to pay to upgrade to a new version. From the ThinkSecret report, the version that will work with the Red camera will be a high end ($10,000) called Extreme. http://thinksecret.com/news/finalcut6.html The switch from offering individual apps to only offering Studio complicates it all, however. If you upgrade from an individual app to Studio after the new version, will you get the old version?
  • Reply 4 of 14
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member

    Originally posted by murk

    Well you don't have to go universal unless you have a new Intel machine. Otherwise you could wait for NAB. I guess they have to make this offer those who switch to the new machines, but don't want to pay to upgrade to a new version. From the ThinkSecret report, the version that will work with the Red camera will be a high end ($10,000) called Extreme. http://thinksecret.com/news/finalcut6.html The switch from offering individual apps to only offering Studio complicates it all, however. If you upgrade from an individual app to Studio after the new version, will you get the old version?

    Oh I know about the Extreme version but Apple will still be updating their other products as well. At some point. Unless they will focus NAB on Extreme and the other versions will come later.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    ibuzzibuzz Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by Feynman

    Just got to thinking that this morning. Unless, Apple is going to rip people off by then offering an update to the latest version of the pro apps for their normal upgrade fee?

    But then why the first link on red.com be Apple?

    It would seem silly since NAB is the place to make any announcements about video authoring not to mention Final Cut Pro cannot for the life of it handle the camera rumored about at red.

    Just thinking out loud here.

    the offer to upgrade is good through December 2006. Just wait for the new version if it's expected at NAB or even after.

    details of the offer at:

  • Reply 6 of 14
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I think it's really quite simple.

    $49 UB upgrade for those that do not want to upgrade to Final Cut Studio 2.0 yet still want to buy a new Intel based Macintosh.


    Purchase the UB Final Cut Studio 2.0 and not worry about a thing. I'm expecting a pretty big update for FCP. The last update was solid but I know Apple has to have something up their sleeves that ties everything together nicely.

    I can't wait.
  • Reply 7 of 14
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Logic Pro is now Universal

  • Reply 8 of 14
    Apple's protestations aside, I think most purchasers of Apple pro video products don't buy the suite. So the very inexpensive upgrades to the UB version allows people who only bought FCP or Motion or DVD SP to upgrade to the full suite on the cheap.

    Purchasers of the UB suite will presumably get very good pricing on the next version of the suite to come at NAB, while people who *only* own FCP or DVD SP or Motion will pay more to get the *new* suite.
  • Reply 9 of 14
    ibuzzibuzz Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by bikertwin

    Apple's protestations aside, I think most purchasers of Apple pro video products don't buy the suite. So the very inexpensive upgrades to the UB version allows people who only bought FCP or Motion or DVD SP to upgrade to the full suite on the cheap.

    Purchasers of the UB suite will presumably get very good pricing on the next version of the suite to come at NAB, while people who *only* own FCP or DVD SP or Motion will pay more to get the *new* suite.

    since the upgrade offer is good through Dec. 2006, why not just wait until after NAB to upgrade?
  • Reply 10 of 14

    Originally posted by ibuzz

    since the upgrade offer is good through Dec. 2006, why not just wait until after NAB to upgrade?

    The assumption here is that most people do not own the suite.

    Presumably, there will not be a cheap upgrade price from a single app (DVD SP, Motion, etc.) to the new suite announced at NAB; you'll likely only be able to upgrade from the "current" (universal binary) suite.

    So if you only own one or two apps of the suite, you might as well upgrade to the suite now, because you're gonna have to upgrade to the suite later anyway, in order to ever upgrade again.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    ibuzzibuzz Posts: 135member

    Originally posted by bikertwin

    The assumption here is that most people do not own the suite.

    Presumably, there will not be a cheap upgrade price from a single app (DVD SP, Motion, etc.) to the new suite announced at NAB; you'll likely only be able to upgrade from the "current" (universal binary) suite.

    So if you only own one or two apps of the suite, you might as well upgrade to the suite now, because you're gonna have to upgrade to the suite later anyway, in order to ever upgrade again.


    1) the upgrade applies to single app owners. you can upgrade to the suite only but you can upgrade.

    2) the time limit to apply for the upgrade is until Dec 2006.

    I don't know when NAB is but my impression was that it is a few months away. Do you think that apple will continue to upgrade to an older version of the UB, say in October? Will they not replace the UB version, with the new UB version announced at NAB, and all subsequent "new" versions, and which version you upgrade from the single app to, depends on when you apply for the upgrade?

    Hope that makes sense. It's easier said than typed.

    for example: I have a single app (Motion 2). I plan on waiting to apply the upgrade until after NAB. I don't own an intel mac and don't plan on getting one until the rev C or there abouts. ( I bought the rev A iMac, and learned that lesson again). OK, so i just googled NAB. The convention is in April. The first UB version of the suite is scheduled for delivery in March. But you have until December to apply for the upgrade. Am I missing something?
  • Reply 12 of 14
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Maybe it works like this: for a particular single app, you can upgrade to Final Cut Studio (Universal), version 5.x -- exactly the version released March 2006.

    You have until December 2006 to do this.

    However, if say Final Cut Studio 6 comes out anytime between April and December 2006, you would need to upgrade to Final Cut Studio 5.x Universal then upgrade again to Final Cut Studio 6.

    I don't think it means you could upgrade straight to Final Cut Studio 6.

    Or, this means after March 2006, Final Cut Studio (Universal) will not be updated until sometime in 2007.

    Or, this means the above AND there is Final Cut Studio Extreme announced at NAB in April.

    So for the rest of 2006, you can move up to Final Cut Studio 5.x Universal, or when announced, you can move up to Final Cut Studio Extreme at different prices.

    So basically this could be how apple is going to streamline things for their pro video software

    (A) Move to Final Cut Studio [Universal] or

    (B) Move to Final Cut Studio Extreme [Universal]

    It seems clear that by the end of March 2006 all the following are Universal. Which is pretty impressive, given that is only 2+ months after the iMac core duo is out and 1+ month after the Macbook Pro core duo is out:

    OS X



    Logic Pro

    Final Cut Studio


    The only thing left out is Final Cut Express and Shake
  • Reply 13 of 14
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    By george I've got it! DUHHHH...

    The reason why apple is doing it is this: if you have any of the individual apps, say Motion, you CANNOT buy Motion Universal. apple does not want to sell piecemeal Universal apps . They are like, you want Universal, you get Final Cut Studio Universal. You can't get Motion Universal by itself, or Soundtrack Universal by itself.

    Right now you can't buy Motion by itself anyway: "Motion 2 is now available exclusively as part of Final Cut Studio, Apple?s suite of integrated applications for digital production."

    So Apple's PRO APPS UNIVERSAL are lined up in the following blocks:

    Logic Pro

    Final Cut Studio


    You have until end of 2006 to upgrade to Universal.

    So all in all a clear message from Apple: "2006 is the year of getting to faster, better, newer, greater, Intel. That's it. After that, f**K off PowerPC bollocks. Adobe-Macromedia-Microsoft: Either you're with us, or you're against us. Get cracking b***ches!"
  • Reply 14 of 14
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    apologies if any of the above sound like a rant, it's just confusing at first for the pro apps line, but now that we've talked it through, and understand apple's gung-ho "MOVE TO INTEL THIS YEAR" approach, it's starting to make sense.

    for pros clearly the first target is the mobile pros that need power in their laptop. next up (middle of this year?) -- workstations: conroe or woodcrest powered "Mac Pro"s
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