Powerbook (Pismo) won't recognise the power adapter

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have a G3 Powerbook, 500 mhz, and it has always had trouble calculating battery life (it would run on 0% for 45 minutes some days, and some days a 100% charge would only last 15 minutes). So I decided to restart the power management unit, as per apple's website. Basically you just press the reset button while the power is off. so I did that, following the instructions, and now:

60% of the time it recognises when the power adapter is plugged in, and it chages as per usual.

40% of the time I'll plug it in (or even move the computer!) and suddenly it is running on battary power. Unplug and plug in again, doesn't make a difference. restart doesn't make a diff. different outlets don't make a difference. Nothing seems to make a difference, it just will randomly work one time when I plug it in.

Would that be a problem with the adapter, or the computer? It seemed to start pretty much when I reset the PMU.

Also, I've reset it again, and it still doesn't work with any regularity.

Thanks for any input!

ANYTHING!? This is driving me nuts. I move the computer 2 inches and suddenly I'm on battery power, and can't get back. Maybe it's after extended use.. I'll have to see. Anyway, any help would be great!
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