Flash MX 2004 7.2 & 10.4.4

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Problem: Im running 10.4.4 and Flash MX 2004 and my particular file that I am working on acts irregularly, ie: pieces of the file or objects in a particular layer in the timeline will disappear from the stage, and or not move properly when trying to just move them from one place on the stage to another area. Ill get the beach ball from hell etc.. When i export it to do a quick flash preview, it exports all f'd up, all my objects dont show etc..

Im running on DC 2.3 G5 w/ 4gb's of ram. My project is very simple and the graphics are all vectors that are turned into symbols, I have no bitmapped images in it at all. Ive created a new file with new objects and it seems to work normally so Iam guessing I have a corrupted file, or contents in the file, how do test to see if it is actually a "corrupted" flash project? Does flash 7.2 have any known issues running with 10.4?
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