MS Excel Export to WebPage Feature

in macOS edited January 2014
Does anyone export an excel workbook to office often? I used to, but ended up designing a filemaker database to do it.

If you have a large workbook, more than five sheet, a few hunred rows, and you export to a web page in mac, it works great on Safari, but nothing else, not even IE Mac (which no one users, so it doesn't matter that much). If you export the same file on a PC, it works great in all browsers, including safari. The problem is has is the row spacing, say you have a column 300 pixels wide, when exporting on a mac and viewing on a pc, it resets the column to say 200 pixels, thus overlapping the data on the new column.

I know there are better ways to do this, obviously since I just designed a database to do it. I can print to PDF yes, but exporting to a web page and uploading the file was just so easy.

Any idea why this is? I thought it was set up so that a mac export can only be viewed on a mac and pc export on a pc, but a pc export works all around. I tried looking at the code, but microsoft uses "their version" of tags to do it.
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