Missing menu bar items (SystemUIServer?)

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

After upgrading to 10.4.4 all my menu bar icons (including spotlight) have disappeared, System Preferences will not remember its state and my G3 ibook runs horribly slowly.

A bit of googling suggests that there is some problem with "SystemUIServer". I have tried various hints (renaming it, trashing it, trashing search.bundle, trashing all the prefs, repairing permissions) to no avail.

I just had a look at Activity Monitor and SystemUIServer is not on there consistently. About once every thirty seconds it will briefly appear, followed by "Crashdump". So it looks like it is trying to run but crashes every time it starts up.

I'd greatly appreciate any any ideas


  • Reply 1 of 2
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    The menu items are located in

    /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\\ Extras/

    See if they are there. If so, try double-clicking each one that you want to see if it will install itself on the menu bar.

    Although I suspect a reinstall is probably going to be needed, if you indeed did delete some system apps.
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Originally posted by Mr Skills


    After upgrading to 10.4.4 all my menu bar icons (including spotlight) have disappeared, System Preferences will not remember its state and my G3 ibook runs horribly slowly.

    A bit of googling suggests that there is some problem with "SystemUIServer". I have tried various hints (renaming it, trashing it, trashing search.bundle, trashing all the prefs, repairing permissions) to no avail.

    I just had a look at Activity Monitor and SystemUIServer is not on there consistently. About once every thirty seconds it will briefly appear, followed by "Crashdump". So it looks like it is trying to run but crashes every time it starts up.

    I'd greatly appreciate any any ideas

    In the past i had some similar issues with my PB.

    Actually, what exactly is crashing beside UIServer?

    Open Console.app to look up. Maybe it is not to late

    and you can avoid a fresh install. Tell me more about your system.
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