strange FCP and iMovie redraw bug

in Mac Software edited January 2014
edit: Whoops! :o I just realized this probably should be in the Genius Bar. Mods, please move at your discretion.

I noticed this a long time ago with iMovie and have started seeing it with FCP also. Sometimes the screen refreshes incorrectly, looking very pixellated. It happens in the interface itself; I can't tell if it does this in the video stream as well.

Hmmm. It's hard to describe. I suppose a picture is worth a 1000 words. So...

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

Click for teh biggar!

Look at the right section there, where the Capture and Audio Format settings are. See it? What's strange is that it seems totally random and goes away with activity, like clicking that menu to force the screen to redraw. I noticed this back when I was still using iMovie and I am puzzled as to why it is happening in FCP too. I have never seen this behavior in any other app on my Mac.

In my not-so-expect opinion, it would seem that Apple is using some sort of custom screen buffer for these two apps and is occasionally having problems redrawing the screen from that buffer.

Any other ideas? :confused: Has anyone else ever seen this?

[ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
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