Apple Cinema sleep bug?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I noticed it while ago (in september to be precise), but was hoping it some temporary thing. But later I reinstalled system and bug persist, so...

When Cinema monitor go into sleep mode it seems to turns off it's USB and FireWire hub too. If I have keyboard and mouse plugged into it, MacOS lose them and wake monitor up (sometimes even with message Device Removal). I never had any problems with it with earlier versions of Tiger (and previously with Panther), everything worked as it supposed to. Now I have to plug keyboard/mouse directly to computer which is no big deal, but what the hell? I can't leave iPod charging because of this too. And this makes monitor hub pretty much useless. Monitor go sleep - all external devices go off.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    almalm Posts: 111member
    As it turned out that was first symptom of dying power adapter. Lately this monitor had problems waking up or turning on. To make it work I had to disconnect it from comp and power brick and leave for five minutes. Anyways, I got replacement today and now it working as it supposed to.

    Looks like these power adapters have common bad genes with AirPort Express. Lots of people have similar problem:

    So if you notice your Apple Cinema Monitor (aluminum one) acting weird that might mean you'll need a new power adapter.
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