Safari Bookmarks -from a dying disk

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

My wife's iBook is dying and I need to salvage her Bookmarks

I am able to use it in taget mode so I can access what's on her drive:

You know, the very best thing is to copy her entire home folder. Sure as shootin' you'll forget something if you try and think of what to pick out of there.

Also copy any Applications or Utilities that she has downloaded or purchased and added to her /Applications folder.


How do I transfer her bookmarks?

Just drag the ~/Library/Safari/bookmarks.plist file over.


I have the plist from her user/library . . . . but I tried to Open that and I get nothing?

It's a binary plist so you need Property List Editor to open it. That comes with the Developer Tools. You can drag it onto TextEdit but the contents won't be especially readable. If the file is a few hundred KB or less, that is the Bookmarks. Just place it back in ~/Library/Safari when you are reinstalled.


anybody know any step-by-step methods for transfering this stuff?

and while we're at it: what about address book too?

The Address Book is in ~/Library/Application Support/Address Book. Again, it would be much easier just to copy the whole home folder over.


and any other things that might need transfer before I wipe the drive.

Do the address book, the bookmarks, and the Mail folder and then start the copy of the whole Home folder. That way if it blows up you will have the important stuff copied first.


Please help with Pronto-ness . . .


  • Reply 1 of 3
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    I hate to beg . . . . but I could really use some help folks
  • Reply 2 of 3
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    I hate to beg . . . . but I could really use some help folks

    Wups - I'm sorry - I hit "Edit" on your post instead of "Reply"!!

    All the info is there though.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    nevermind . . . I see what you meant
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