Need IE help (PC)

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Please let me know if this site: robot , looks ok in IE for the PC. I just need to know Windows version and IE version. Compare it in Firefox or Safari. Thanks, I appreciate any help.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    Yaaaaaaargh, you made me boot up Virtual PC just for this mundane purpose, harrrrrrrrrrr....

    The site looks alright, but the bottom left links don't show up (my links, etc..) took a quick look and it could be due to the use of "position: relative;", try using "margin-top:20px;" instead. Otherwise it shows up the same as in Safari. IE 6.0 on XP Pro 2002, not sure which service pack..

  • Reply 2 of 4
    Same results as Whyatt but I'm using IE7 Beta 2 on a Win XP Pro SP2. It does appear to be correct using Firefox on the same box.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Thanks for the feedback guys...

    I actually played around with it a little and added this "margin-left:-1px;" to my leftside-alt class ind it 'fixed it'. It's still off by one pixel but you can hardly tell. I know something in my css is not kosher but this will fix it in the mean time. thanks
  • Reply 4 of 4

    Originally posted by Outsider

    Thanks for the feedback guys...

    I actually played around with it a little and added this "margin-left:-1px;" to my leftside-alt class ind it 'fixed it'. It's still off by one pixel but you can hardly tell. I know something in my css is not kosher but this will fix it in the mean time. thanks

    Using IE7 Beta 2 the boxes are now there but they cover up the entire left leg of the robot.
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