How to save streaming QT videao as .mov?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

My friend is on dial-up (on a PC) and I would like to show him the videos of Steve Jobs' keynotes. When I go to the Apple website and click on the links for the presentations, there is no way to save or download the videos; the only option is to watch the video on QT as it streams.

Other than buying QTPro is there any other way I can save the streaming videos as .mov files so that I can copy then on a CD and pass them to my friend to see?

Or does anyone know if these keynotes already exist as .mov files somewhere that I can download?

If what I want to do is illegal in any way, please let me know and forgive me, I shall not pursue this any longer.

Thanks and cheers


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Hi tilt,

    offers some (not all) keynotes.... in some formats.

    as "stream" implies, it is not meant for downloading; only way, I do know, is the usage of "video catchers" as Snapz from Ambrosia
  • Reply 2 of 3
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Vielen Dank k_munic! That site is great!

    As part of my job I make a lot of presentations and I also teach people how to make good presentations. It is a treat for me and an education to watch Steve Jobs make a presentation. I feel that he is the best presenter I have seen in my entire career, and I have seen hundreds all around the world.

    Thanks again and cheers
  • Reply 3 of 3

    Originally posted by tilt

    ... I feel that he is the best presenter I have seen in my entire career, ...

    so, you should read here:

    ... maybe a little... "exotic", but some very interesting thoughts.. you can read some other articles on that site, concerning presentations of "other" computer CEOs.... ;-)

    you're welcome!
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