iTunes is the iDevil - can't copy single video playlists to iPod 5G

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Ok, I need some help. I have a 5G iPod video on an Intel iMac. Here's the problem:

I have iTunes set up to only copy specific video files (in preferences under the iPod Video that is plugged in). Of course these preferences ONLY show up when the dang thing is plugged in.

Now the problem is, I'll plug in the iPod and go and update that setting in iTunes to change it to have a new video playlist copied to the iPod (a single episode of a TV show). Sounds easy enough.

iTunes will show the iPod as connected, do an updating iPod but I'll watch the iPod disappear off the desktop and turn on. Then iTunes freezes up for a few minutes and comes back to tell me 'the ipod cannot be found'.

When I plug in my iPod again (remove from dock and re-insert), I'll go back to the preferences and my playlist is not there, and repeat.

I can no longer get video playlists on the iPod.

I cannot reset iTunes...I've deleted the plist, etc. Same thing, it keeps the setting as is.

I guess the idea is, you can ONLY have itunes copy ALL videos, forget single playlists, however in my case, this setting is permanent.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Moving to iPod and iTunes forum..
  • Reply 2 of 5
    All right ... lets see if this helps any ...

    You can manually boot the iPod into disk mode (which is where you want it so you have time to change prefs and things like that). Follow these instruction from Apple's iPod Support Page to reset your iPod into Disk Mode. Plug it into your dock. The iPod should connect and sync everything that you have and then unmount. If you go to the iPod icon at the bottom of the iTunes screen you can click on that and check the box that says enable disk use and the iPod will mount again on your desktop.

    Create a new video playlist with whatever video you want on it. Then undeer the iPod preferences, there should be a tab that says Videos. Click on that and click on "only update selected playlists." Then click on the playlist you want the iPod to update.

    Now, it should be good to go, but you probably want to delete any videos from your iPod before you try this to make sure it's really working. Just delete the from the library and tell it to keep the original files, then sync the iPod to get them off of there.

    Now, go to the file menu and manually update your iPod and see if all this has worked. If it has, you can take the iPod out of disk mode via the preferences panel in iTunes ... if not, let me know what happens and we'll take another stab at it.

    Side note ... I have a 5G iPod hooked up the the last PPC iMac and I can get this to work. It may be a problem with your iPod or it may be some bug in the Intel transition. If we can't get it to work, then you may call want to call Apple or go to an Apple store and explain the problem. They should be able to hook it up in store and test it for you (if you bring your cable with you, you can do this yourself ... they should let you do it if you ask them)

    All right, good luck ... let me know what happens!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Have you tried a different version of iTunes? Have you reverted to a previous version of the iPod firmware?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    I'm also having some video problems. Shows that I had previously ripped from DVD are not loading up on the iPod. They loaded before and now they won't unless I do a convert to iPod. I just installed the new version of iTunes. Is this a bug of some kind. This really stinks cause it is taking hours to convert. I thought any video with the right settings would play on the iPod. Any advice? Thanks.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    hrmm, please no thread-jacking!

    i replicated this at the local Apple store with a G5 dual and a store ipod. Several of the Geniuses there were stymied. Finally one had me change the setting to 'manually add content' and it works like that if i drag junk to the iPod. Not optimal, but works.
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