os 9 R.I.P...

I likve OS 9, its awesome, I am scared of X....I don't want apple to kill os 9 support and urge developers to do likewise...thats poopy...but I guess when I get my next computer I'm going to have to like X...lame, all the times I've used X its been a drag, Os 9 is sooo much easier and quicker...in my experience...I guess X is designed for g4s with stats that don't exist now(or just more ram)

Its so clunky and OLD!
OSX is like a breath of fresh air!
<strong>I guess X is designed for g4s with stats that don't exist now(or just more ram)
X is RAM hungry but it costs so so little to toss another 512Mb stick into you Mac and it's really worth it.
J :cool:
Its too bad about Gypsy...whatever that may be....
I suspect that its functionality will be reproduced in another app for OS X before long if it is actually a useful app with a half-decent user base.
If not...well... time to startup a new software company or somesuch (provided there is a market niche)
I loved OS 9 too. Now I can barely stand spending time in it and all because of OS X! Should say something about the productivity/coolness factor of X.
I know a fairly large number of people being dragged kicking and screaming into X, only to find they were only deluding themselves with respect to the rigidity with which they were addressing their computing problem. OS X will not byte (hee hee) though it will slow older machines w/o sufficient RAM to an experience unacceptable to OS 9 advocates. This will be rememdied soon w/ Jag release, but I think that this may be the single factor that results in MacOS X seeming slower than 9 to most people. Trust me...the underpinnings are worth the questionable user experience (which is a temporary matter anyhow as just mentioned.)
[ 05-18-2002: Message edited by: janitor ]</p>
If you like OS 9 ( more than a modern OS that may not be entirely finished or as polished as 9 has become over time ) then that's your business ( but I think you're out of you're mind ). The only thing I don't like about X is that it isn't as easy to find something has gone wrong. But, much less does so maybe that's a moot point.
Nostalgia aside I don't have any problem letting go of 9.
[ 05-19-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
Do it, get it over with, you'll never look back, it rules. :cool: