PowerMac G5 2.3 vs 2.5 with Maya?
I have a friend who is tempted to buy a PowerMac G5, for running Maya, though he has the choice of 2.3GHz and the 2.5GHz. The are exactly the same except for the processor and the front side bus. Yet there is a difference in price of $1000 CAD, which brings it slightly past his budget.
How much of a difference does the 0.2GHz difference work out in real world applications, such as Maya? Is it worth breaking the bank?
How much of a difference does the 0.2GHz difference work out in real world applications, such as Maya? Is it worth breaking the bank?
- No human could perceive that difference in real-time or in short operations.
- However, if as noted, he is running Maya AND he has a full load of client work, and if saving 8% of his time on rendering per day could mean that he has enough time to do one more project and submit another invoice, then the $1000 is trivial compared to what it will make for him.