Second Intel iMac incident...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
First issue was a strange reboot into network boot mode...I was able to recover from that.

However yesterday my iMac flipped out when I was watching a trailer and I clicked the menu button on the remote to get back to the menu...the iMac went black.

Hard turn boot. Tried all the keyboard boot options, no luck, just a power light and nothing else, black screen. Unplugged it and plugged it back in, no change. Left it alone for a couple hours...

Later on kept trying to turn it on and off finally it gave me a blinking power light which I Googled and someone mentioned Intel iMacs having a lower ram slot problem so I reseated both of the ram chips which let it boot and it works fine again.

Should I try to return this thing? I think I will if I get another problem...other than the two issues, its been terrific.
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