AOL drops IE in latest version of AOL for OS X

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
Looks like they are going with Gecko. Getting back into the browser wars perhaps?

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

Let's get ready to rumble!

IMHO, IE is the best browser for the Mac, but that isn't saying much at all.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    What about OmniWeb?
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    Here's a far-fetched idea... Apple "acquires" Chimera (used it exclusively for the Xserve demo) and offers it as an Apple branded browser... AOL adopts that browser (assuming it's cross-platform?) for its service.

    Yeah... I know... I just read it back... it is even too odd for ME to believe it's possible.

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  • Reply 3 of 7
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    While it's would make all of us Mac-heads happy to have iApps to do everything, I think that iBrowser would flop as ignorant-ass PC designers and other important institutions would overlook it, and we'd be in Netscape 6.0 territory with an unsupported piece of crappo.

    Mozilla 1.0 RC2 was just released, perhaps Apple could use it as a marketting tool to show that it supports open source to some degree... (ie: f**k microsoft, buy apple).

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  • Reply 4 of 7
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by preston:

    <strong>While it's would make all of us Mac-heads happy to have iApps to do everything, I think that iBrowser would flop as ignorant-ass PC designers and other important institutions would overlook it, and we'd be in Netscape 6.0 territory with an unsupported piece of crappo.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Except that if Apple adopted Chimera, that uses the Mozilla engine to render, so it wouldn't just be a matter of supporting Apple's browser. Most notably, it looks like AOL was waiting form Moz 1.0 to adopt it for their own use, and webmasters will have to at least try to placate the great mass of AOL users. That transition will take a big bite out of MSIE's market share.

    I think it's an interesting idea, myself. Take Chimera, give it a clean, polished Apple interface, and add it to the roster of open source, standards-supporting technologies under the OS X umbrella.
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:


    Except that if Apple adopted Chimera, that uses the Mozilla engine to render, so it wouldn't just be a matter of supporting Apple's browser. Most notably, it looks like AOL was waiting form Moz 1.0 to adopt it for their own use, and webmasters will have to at least try to placate the great mass of AOL users. That transition will take a big bite out of MSIE's market share.

    I think it's an interesting idea, myself. Take Chimera, give it a clean, polished Apple interface, and add it to the roster of open source, standards-supporting technologies under the OS X umbrella.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Happy 1000th Amorph!

    J :cool:
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  • Reply 6 of 7
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    I actually like the current state of browser development for OS X, it's highly competitive and promises to heighten the quality of browsers. If Apple created their own iBrowser, I think this may be a mistake, since it would stifle browser development. If Apple could provide a superior browser, then MAYBE it could work, but I don't see that happening, and competing directly with the Mac Business Unit doesn't seem wise. It's one thing for Apple to support alternative browsers, even package them with OS X, but for Apple to make their own browser and remove IE from OS X entirely would be an insult to the very people at M$ who support the Mac platform.

    No, I don't think the MBU's products are excellent, but they facilitate migration to OS X from Windows, and they are the standards that everyone uses.

    Apple needs to compete with M$, but not directly. The competition must be subtle and discreet so that M$ doesn't stomp Apple out of existence. And yes, I believe if Gates wanted Apple dead, it would happen within a year.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    jboivinjboivin Posts: 3member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nebagakid:

    <strong>What about OmniWeb?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Although it looks good, it rather poor support of W3C standards will make it almost unusable in a short future - especially if AOL goes Gecko. And that would a good thing for webdesigners, as it will force M$ to make a decent version of IE/Windows, which is not as good as IE 5/Mac.

    It's a shame that a company CANNOT make at least SIMILAR product for several platforms - everyone else does, why can't M$? It pisses me off, really

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