iTunes summary in the menubar

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
I really like iTunes but I'd really like it if I could have a mini-iTunes interface in the menubar. I have a widescreen powerbook and there is a bunch of space in the menubar that isn't currently being used. You could easily fit the current song name, time elapsed, and a small icon-dropdown menu for various functions like next song, previous song, bring up iTunes, and so on. Does anyone know of some third-party software to do this?



  • Reply 1 of 1
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    [quote]Originally posted by thalmrast:

    <strong>I really like iTunes but I'd really like it if I could have a mini-iTunes interface in the menubar. I have a widescreen powerbook and there is a bunch of space in the menubar that isn't currently being used. You could easily fit the current song name, time elapsed, and a small icon-dropdown menu for various functions like next song, previous song, bring up iTunes, and so on. Does anyone know of some third-party software to do this?


    All those functions are basically in the dock if you right click/click and hold the iTunes icon in the dock. I agree though, having it in the menu bar would be nice.
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