Video is tilted 90 degrees

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

A friend sent me a couple of home movies of her family. For some reason only she knows, she held the damned camera tilted 90 degrees and filmed the movies!!!!!!!! Now every time I want to watch the movies I have to tilt my head sideways like a dog that's trying to determine whether I am crazy or not!

Is there any way I can rotate the movies so that I can save trips to the chiropractor?

I use a first generation Mac Mini with Panther 10.3.9.



  • Reply 1 of 11
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    If you have Final Cut or After Effects installed, you can rotate the movie there.

    I'm not running the latest version of iMovie, I suppose it's possible that a rotate effect has been added to that.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    If you have QuickTime Pro, just select the video track and rotate it.

    I assume you're on QuickTime 7 (despite using Panther), so that's:

    Window -> Show Movie Properties

    Select the video track

    Visual Settings -> Transformation
  • Reply 3 of 11
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Thanks addabox. No, I do not have Final Cut or After Effects and I do not plan to buy them either since I do not do any multimedia work at all. I shall try iMovie and see if that can help, but I hope you are talking about iMovie for Panther and not Tiger

  • Reply 4 of 11
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by Chucker

    If you have QuickTime Pro, just select the video track and rotate it.

    I assume you're on QuickTime 7 (despite using Panther), so that's:

    Window -> Show Movie Properties

    Select the video track

    Visual Settings -> Transformation

    Which brings us to the perennial cry of "Why in the name of all that's holy did Apple take all that QT goodness and make it a paid "Pro" key download? I mean, thirty bucks a pop can't be that much of a revenue stream for Cupertino, especially since the people most likely to use the functionality are getting it as a part of the pro video apps.

    So they get a few paid users, but loose the massive "cool" factor of what a Mac could do right out of the box. Save to desktop as QT movie, I'm looking at you.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    tilttilt Posts: 396member

    Originally posted by Chucker

    If you have QuickTime Pro, just select the video track and rotate it.

    Thanks Chucker. I do not have QT-Pro, only the free version of QT 7. Would I be able to do the same thing with VLC maybe?

  • Reply 6 of 11
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by addabox

    Which brings us to the perennial cry of "Why in the name of all that's holy did Apple take all that QT goodness and make it a paid "Pro" key download?

    Absolutely. Huge mistake.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    Just saw this today. Supposedly a freeware app that does exactly what you want.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I just saw that too. #1 on the list just for you.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Thanks Wyatt and Ebby! I downloaded it, installed it (or though I did). I cannot find it in my Applications folder, nor is there an icon on the desktop or anything, so I now have to try and find out how to run the application *grin*

  • Reply 10 of 11
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    OK, I don't know why, but check your user folder for a "obleo" user. It created and installed its self there on my computer.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    tilttilt Posts: 396member
    Yeah Ebby! There it was, under the user folder for 'obleo'. I wonder why it created a new user! Thanks! How ever did you find that out?

    Now, if this thing can create new users on my Mac, do I have to worry?

    And, creating a new user folder instead of putting it under 'Applications", is it a case of bad software design or is it a bug or is it something sinsiter?

    Thanks again Ebby, and cheers
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