What's the top 5 things you want to see in Leopard??

in macOS edited January 2014
They can be changes or new things!

Either way show your list!

I have a number of things on my list, one of which is a skypeout thingy in iChat! (to call regular phones for a small fee from my computer).



  • Reply 1 of 71
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by Ireland

    They can be changes or new things!

    Either way show your list!

    I have a number of things on my list, one which is a skypeout thingy in iChat! (to call regular phones for a small fee from my computer).

    Sure...a Skypeout thingy to go with the rumored Apple iPhone. (And while we're on the iChat topic, I want iChat and Google Talk audio/video chat.)

    Resolution independence.

    Metadata browsing (and this includes improved Open/Save dialog boxes).

    iTheater? (Wishful thinking...looks like Apple is merging media instead of seperating the players.)

    One UI to rule them all and, in the Aquaness, bind them. No more brushed-metal, and custome theme madness. (Another wishful thought.)
  • Reply 2 of 71
    1. Cocoa Finder that rocks with better spotlight integration

    2. Resolution independence

    3. UTIs for file typing

    4. Core data expanded to cover enterprise databases, and WebObjects brought back to using Objective-C and the Cocoa Foundation frameworks.

    5. Kernel/threading improvements
  • Reply 3 of 71
    Here's my list of things I am hoping to be announced:

    1) Better metadata improvements in the Finder - I want to be able to edit a file's metadata directly in the Finder. I also want to be able to browse my file system like I do my iTunes library (click a browse button and be able to browse by author, kind, etc.).

    2) Be able to enter in metadata for a file directly in the save dialogs - This should be a no-brainer here. Microsoft had a good idea here doing this in Vista. The save dialogs are the ideal place to enter in metadata for a file.

    3) Better smart folder integration - Be able to right-click on a smart folder in my dock and have it work like a regular folder does by popping open a menu showing the contents. I also want to be able to browse smart folders in column view. You can do this somewhat in open dialogs, but not in the regular Finder.

    4) Let me use 'OR' in my smart folders without having to resort to editing the raw query in a text editor.

    5) I want to be able to quickly right-click on a file or folder and be able to say "Sync with .Mac".
  • Reply 4 of 71

    Originally posted by Michael_Moriarty

    ...5) I want to be able to quickly right-click on a file or folder and be able to say "Sync with .Mac".

    THAT would ROCK!!!!
  • Reply 5 of 71
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    i've bought 3 updates with the same crappy finder, and i definitely won't by a 4th with the same crappy finder.
  • Reply 6 of 71
    keotkeot Posts: 116member
    1. New finder

    2. Resolution independance coupled with my idle GPU doing even more work

    3. A Vista-beater. Spotlight and Dashboard haven't changed how I work, but they've certainly tweaked how I work.

    4. New X11.app, preferably with all the nice new X.org and XGL gubbins.

    5. Speed, security and behaviour improvements, such as British English being added to the language list so that all the UI components are spelt corrrectly.

  • Reply 7 of 71
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    A flexible and power-user Finder that can compete with what Vista is offering in terms of browsing based around metadata instead of folders; more support for themed reskinning; the ability to run it on a PC.
  • Reply 8 of 71
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    I have ten feature requests...

    1. The ability to right-mouse click a docked window to close it.

    2. For Safari to match IE speeds.

    3. For Mail to stop being so sluggish and for the junk mail filter to recognize that e-mails without a subject line can be classified as junk mail.

    4. Faster reconnections to wireless networks. Or better yet, just fix networking. Apple was clever to include a Networking Diagnostics application into 10.4 which should have been a clue that there was something wrong with networking (especially wireless networking).

    5. For Dashboard to automatically initialize widgets. Too often, when I access Dashboard, I have to wait for the widget to activate. I find this so annoying (especially when I am demonstrating this feature to WinTel users).

    6. Advance options for Spotlight (e.g, the ability to add meta data) and the ability to assign "Actions" to Spotlight search results (e.g., burn a list of search results to CD/DVD, or apply a green label to a bunch of Word documents, etc.)

    7. Re-include a CPU monitoring application that Apple took out in 10.4(remember the cool CPU monitoring app that dock icon was CPU activity).

    8. For Safari to have the ability to overwrite existing bookmarks with a new bookmark. For example, if I have a saved bookmark http://www.google.com I would like the ability to overwrite that saved bookmark with another such as http://www.google.com/news.

    9. Fix printer setup. Nearly every 10 dot release Apple has changed the way printers are configured, and they still have not got it right. Enough of the cute stuff. Just copy Windows.

    10. The ability roll back operating system and Apple application upgrades.
  • Reply 9 of 71

    Re-include a CPU monitoring application that Apple took out in 10.4(remember the cool CPU monitoring app that dock icon was CPU activity).

    You can do this in 10.4 with activity monitor.
  • Reply 10 of 71
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    1. Shipping Tomorrow!

    Here: 2-5 These Features

    Here: 6-10 These Features
  • Reply 11 of 71
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by TednDi

    1. Shipping Tomorrow!

    Here: 2-5 These Features

    Here: 6-10 These Features

    That's funny, I saw the full version a while ago! It's about 10 minutes long!
  • Reply 12 of 71
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member

    Originally posted by rminkler

    You can do this in 10.4 with activity monitor.

    Very cool. Scratch #7 off the list.


  • Reply 13 of 71
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    In reading these requests one can really see how Windows came to be the mess that it is today. MS would have put all of them in.

    Apple does a great job at designing a powerful OS with a simple UI that does not get in your way or slow you down with a gazzilion ways to do the sane thing, not perfect by any means but certainly perfect by today's standards.
  • Reply 14 of 71
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    1. Spotlight to actually work in Mail.

    2. Hibernate. Oh and Apple shipping batteries that don't die would be nice too. Those two would be much appreciated by us mobile users.

    3. Resolution independence.

    4. REAL speech recognition and synthesis. They have not updated this since 1989 it seems. Vicki is just marginally better than voices from 1990. In fact we can't control modulation/pitch any more which is a step backward.

    5. REAL handwriting recognition. And consequently, tablets, and being able to sign our sig and do gestures and other stuff on *Book trackpads. A MacBook with a swiveling touchscreen would be neat too. Made possible by Leopard.

    I have high hopes for Leopard. I think it will be better than Windows 20016, let alone Windows 2007 or 2008 (AKA Windows Vista). I'm pretty psyched. Can't wait to get that MacBook later this summer, with Leopard!


    6. Advance options for Spotlight (e.g, the ability to add meta data) and the ability to assign "Actions" to Spotlight search results (e.g., burn a list of search results to CD/DVD, or apply a green label to a bunch of Word documents, etc.)

    Holy smokes I like that!
  • Reply 15 of 71

    Originally posted by Dave K.

    6. Advance options for Spotlight (e.g, the ability to add meta data) and the ability to assign "Actions" to Spotlight search results (e.g., burn a list of search results to CD/DVD, or apply a green label to a bunch of Word documents, etc.)

    You can already do these super easy with Automator. This is exactly why Automator was created. Give it a whirl.
  • Reply 16 of 71
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by iPeon

    In reading these requests one can really see how Windows came to be the mess that it is today. MS would have put all of them in.

    Apple does a great job at designing a powerful OS with a simple UI that does not get in your way or slow you down with a gazzilion ways to do the sane thing, not perfect by any means but certainly perfect by today's standards.

    You put it very well.

    Btw, reobtaining true springloaded folders would be nice.
  • Reply 17 of 71
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    1. FTP in the finder that works

    2. FTP in the finder that works

    3. FTP in the finder that works

    4. FTP in the finder that works

    5. FTP in the finder that works
  • Reply 18 of 71
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by othello

    1. FTP in the finder that works

    2. FTP in the finder that works

    3. FTP in the finder that works

    4. FTP in the finder that works

    5. FTP in the finder that works

    Low standards?

    I'd be disappointed if Apple wasted their time on this.
  • Reply 19 of 71
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Low standards?

    I'd be disappointed if Apple wasted their time on this.

    not low standards, but an expectation that a piece of fundamental functionality would actually work.

    i certainly wouldn't call this a waste of time...
  • Reply 20 of 71
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Cue Kickaha in 5...
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