Don't overreact they'll probably go down again tomorrow. But just to let you who might have been worried about the shares know, they still can and will go up in the future!
I am wondering too. Short of any real news that has been reported I suspect a few contributors:
1. The volume thing is potentially good news because it maybe torpedos the lawsuit.
2. Anders could be right...insider sell-offs stopped/slowed.
3. I read somewhere today that the Apple/Apple suit might be just about using the Apple (Computer) logo in the iTMS. This could be bad reporting, or it could indicate a much more narrow interpretation of things...favorable to Apple (Computer).
4. The optimists saw an opportunity with AAPL hitting $58-ish and started buying.
WHAT ?? 5% for this!!
Yet the shares have gone down a lot for bollocks reasons!>Here<
Originally posted by Anders
Could the the reason be that someone just stopped selling stocks to pay his taxes and the mared no longer swims in AAPL?
Could be! I'm confused by the second part of thet sentence though!
Approaching 6%
1. The volume thing is potentially good news because it maybe torpedos the lawsuit.
2. Anders could be right...insider sell-offs stopped/slowed.
3. I read somewhere today that the Apple/Apple suit might be just about using the Apple (Computer) logo in the iTMS. This could be bad reporting, or it could indicate a much more narrow interpretation of things...favorable to Apple (Computer).
4. The optimists saw an opportunity with AAPL hitting $58-ish and started buying.
Originally posted by Anders
Could the the reason be that someone just stopped selling stocks to pay his taxes and the marked no longer swims in AAPL?