System suggestions, help!

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Long time (circa 1989) Mac user.

Former Apple engineer.

My home system is a 1.5 GHz PB G4 and 20" Cinema.

I also have an iMac G5, but use the PB more.

I have recently jumped from shooting DV video to HDV video and need a faster editing station for Final Cut Studio. Also use Aperture.

Just trying to figure out if I should get a refurb or current PMG5 CPU or wait for the Intel models.

There are some good deals going on refurb which would still yield something 2-2.75 faster than what I use now. You can pimp out a dual (or dual core) G5 for under $2K.

Any thoughts appreciated.

I just know how the NEW models are, and I like to wait until Rev B before jumping.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    I'd personally get a dual-core G5. I have said it to a few people but weighing up all the machines in terms of price, performance and software availability, I honestly think the dual G5 tower is the best machine Apple has on offer at the moment. I use a quad and it is a waste since most software just uses half the machine's capability.

    The Intel towers will probably be good but the G5 is still very strong and who knows when the pro machines will come out or the price. The G5 as you say can be 'pimped out' with better graphics as well as a custom display and you can get them relatively cheap just now.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    The intel PowerMac will be faster, no doubt. If you are only going to use Apple Pro Apps, then you shouldn't have a problem. If you are using Adobe/Macromedia apps, be aware that your might working with Rosetta for a while before they release CS3.

    If I were you, I would get a Dual G5 now. I have Dual 2 and love it. Through some extra hard drives in and you will love it.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    robin hoodrobin hood Posts: 513member
    If you need it now, I'd definitely recommend the dual core PowerMac G5's. Specifically the dual 2.0GHz version, which I believe to be the best value overall. Than spend a couple of hundred extra to pimp it out with extra RAM and add a 500GB SATA drive (generally, is quite good for this -- and no, I do not work for them).

    Remember: Something faster will always be around the corner, no matter when you buy. It is likely that the PowerMac will go Intel during the 3rd quarter. If you don't need the machine any time soon and don't care about waiting around to see how things pan out, why not wait. But just remember, no matter when you buy, something newer, faster and spiffier will be around the corner. That's the way it goes with computers. As a former Apple engineer, you should know that more than any of us.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    robin hoodrobin hood Posts: 513member
    Just thought I'd add, if you're looking for an interim machine until the Intel-based "Mac Pro" comes out (or whatever it shall be called), look at the iMac. Especially if you don't already have a nice screen.

    The 20" iMac is quite spiffy. Pimp it out with a BTO 500GB SATA drive, and upgrade the RAM to 2 gigs. It even has DVI out so you can hook up a second monitor. And once the "Mac Pro" comes out, delegate it to other tasks or flog it on eBay. Since all of Apple's pro apps are already either available as universal binaries, or will be in the coming weeks (Aperture is due in mid-April, and I think the others are already all done), everything will be fast and native.
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