powerbook display problems

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
hi all,

i have posted below problem on the apple forums, but they have a habit of deleting posts that point out unsolved problems....so i'll try it here

OK, here's the thing. when i work on my g4 pb 12" 1.5ghz sometimes my screen just goes black. that is, the back-lighting goes off. --oops it happened again just now! -- the system doesnt go to sleep, since i still see my desktop when i hold it against a light.

scren brightness blocks are all the way-up and pressing the brightness buttons does not have any effect.

the only thing that usually helps is closing the lid to put it to slape and then wake it again. like i said usually since sometimes only a hard reset helps.

it happens totally random, even when typing this message. below is a part of my log of the period starting little before the screen went black until i got it back with the sleep-wake trick. i dont see anything weird, but maybe you do?

it seems this problem is pretty rare, since i cant find it in a bunch of forums, i posted this almost a year ago on apples forum, but its deleted and until now no solution is found. i do seem to remember seeing a post of an older pb having the same problem.....but also no solutions is given or even problem pointed out.

i have already tried resetting pram + nvram. that didnt help.

it only happens when on battery, never when on AC power.

can anyone of you help me out here ?

system log:

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman kernel[0]: AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman configd[73]: AppleTalk shutdown

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman configd[73]: AppleTalk shutdown complete

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman launchd: Server e88f in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[3085]: exited abnormally: Hangup

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman lookupd[3102]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Apr 6 22:00:06 2006

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman configd[73]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman launchd: Server e897 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[3102]: exited abnormally: Hangup

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman lookupd[3103]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Apr 6 22:00:06 2006

Apr 6 22:00:06 Toolman configd[73]: setting hostname to "Toolman.local"

Apr 6 22:00:13 Toolman kernel[0]: System Sleep

Apr 6 22:00:13 Toolman kernel[0]: System Wake

Apr 6 22:00:13 Toolman kernel[0]: Wake event 0008

Apr 6 22:00:14 Toolman kernel[0]: ADB present:84

Apr 6 22:00:15 Toolman kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: "SpeedTouchD7F229" - 009096cf55da - chan 9

Apr 6 22:00:15 Toolman configd[73]: AppleTalk startup

Apr 6 22:00:18 Toolman launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[3103]: exited abnormally: Hangup

Apr 6 22:00:18 Toolman lookupd[3108]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Apr 6 22:00:18 2006

Apr 6 22:00:18 Toolman configd[73]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change

Apr 6 22:00:18 Toolman lookupd[3109]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Apr 6 22:00:18 2006

Apr 6 22:00:18 Toolman configd[73]: setting hostname to "toolman.lan"

Apr 6 22:00:20 Toolman mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds

Apr 6 22:00:21 Toolman configd[73]: AppleTalk startup complete


  • Reply 1 of 3
    well....I have tried a fresh install of tiger. for a week or so, I have used it with no problems at all....no screen goeing black. since yesterday I have it back! its so weird...I have nothing installed that day that could cause it.... in fact, last time i installed something was like a week ago. is it just a lucky week i had right after a fresh install....or .... ? I have no clue here.

    my approach was to install tiger fresh. then work a few days. and each day install some more tools......so if the black screen crap would come back i could tie it to a installed program.....but i was only browsin in safari...with no tool installed for more than a week and bam it was back ! it was going black a few seconds after i got it back with a sleep-wake trick.....even a restart didnt help much.....a fews secs after log-in bam black....
  • Reply 2 of 3
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by toolman2k6

    my approach was to install tiger fresh. then work a few days. and each day install some more tools.

    That was a good idea. Shame it didn't work

    It sounds like the computer is getting a bit confused and putting the display to sleep even when you are still using it. I was going to suggest a hardware problem such as a loose ribbon cable, but since it only happens on battery, it probably isn't that.

    Have you had a look at the settings in the "energy saver" pane of system preferences?
  • Reply 3 of 3

    Originally posted by Mr. H

    That was a good idea. Shame it didn't work

    It sounds like the computer is getting a bit confused and putting the display to sleep even when you are still using it. I was going to suggest a hardware problem such as a loose ribbon cable, but since it only happens on battery, it probably isn't that.

    Have you had a look at the settings in the "energy saver" pane of system preferences?

    well to be honest.....it also started happening when plugged in. i checked all settings all the time ....and i did a fresh install without changing any setting....still same problems. funny thing is though, i am typing this at work with just a network plugged in. .... fr a few hours it seems ok. what is this voodoo on my beloved PB ?! i have seen very few people with same/similar problems...but still those problems are not solved (or even deleted from apple's forums). gosh.....i love my pb but this is crazy.
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