Install OSX 10.2 on external Firewire HD

in macOS edited January 2014
Hi everyone,

I need to install OSX 10.2 on a external firewire HD for a specific program that does not run on 10.3 or 10.4

I did this before so it can be done but I forgot how I did it.

The situation now is as followed:

I have a Titanium Powerbook G4 with 10.3 on it, it used to have on it 10.2 which came with it, so I have the 10.2 install discs.

When I insert them into my PB, a dialog appears that I should restart my computer to start installing 10.2

The question now is: do I have an option to install 10.2 to my external FW HD so that it is bootable later on?

+ It has to leave the 10.3 system on my internal HD alone so I don't loose data.

In the past I had saved the 10.2.6 combo update, which I thought was a complete OSX version that I could install onto a FW HD. If I run this update I can't install it onto the FW HD, I guess because there isn't a earlier 10.2 version on it...

How can I do this?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,486moderator
    If you boot from the 10.2 disc, and have the fw drive plugged in, it will allow you to install 10.2 onto the drive. Just select it as the destination. You can boot from the drive by holding alt at startup and choosing the drive. I think there is maybe a special hotkey you can use to boot from firewire but I can't remember. I always use the alt-key. It seems a bit odd that you'd have to go to this length to run one app. 10.2 apps should run under newer systems.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    drazztikkadrazztikka Posts: 240member
    I use finalscratch, a dj-ing program, very bad drivers, only works with a certain combination...

    I didn't know that shortcut, I always open system pref's and go to startup disc.

    I backed up my files in case anything goes wrong.

    Gonna install it in sec and see how things go.

    I better now make an image of the whole system with the finalscratch program installed on it. So things go faster if i have another harddisc hiccup.

    Speaking of the hiccup, I recently got a macbook, and since them my FW HD started to fail.

    Is this the macbook's fault or the harddrive?

    HD failed on my other computers too sometimes...

    I guess carbon copy coler is the best way to make an image of a disc right?
  • Reply 3 of 4
    drazztikkadrazztikka Posts: 240member
    The install worked, 10.3 still working, good news.

    Now I'd like to make an image of the complete disc with carbon copy cloner.

    In CCC, in the cloning console:

    -source disk: the FW HD that is to be backed up

    -Target disk: I have 3 options here:

    -select a target

    -my FW HD

    -carbon copy cloner

    Now I think I should choose select a target so the image get's saved in a folder where I say it has to be saved.

    So if that works, I'll be getting .dmg file that I should copy to my FW HD if erased after an potential crash, then unpack it and everything should be fine?

    If the HD isn't really broken that is...?
  • Reply 4 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,486moderator

    Originally posted by drazztikka

    So if that works, I'll be getting .dmg file that I should copy to my FW HD if erased after an potential crash, then unpack it and everything should be fine?

    If the HD isn't really broken that is...?

    If you stored the dmg on your internal drive, what you'd do is mount it and then use CCC to clone it back onto the firewire drive if the system on the firewire drive messed up somehow.

    What symptoms is your FW drive showing? There is a thread about this:

    You can relieve some disk activity by dragging the drive into the spotlight privacy section so it doesn't index it but that's only if you don't need to search it.
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