quicktime trouble playing avi...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
how can i make my quicktime 7 can play most .avi files?

it said there is a missing components ? i try to look 4 it but still couldnt find it..

i try dl vlc player ...yes it can play avi, but error sometimes, slow, and jumping picture...

next i try dl windows media player 9 for mac (last hope i think)

but it didnt help at all...


  • Reply 1 of 8
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    how can i make my quicktime 7 can play most .avi files?

    it said there is a missing components ? i try to look 4 it but still couldnt find it..

    i try dl vlc player ...yes it can play avi, but error sometimes, slow, and jumping picture...

    next i try dl windows media player 9 for mac (last hope i think)

    but it didnt help at all...


  • Reply 2 of 8
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    If the movie is skipping in VLC then the avi might be broken. There is an avi repair tool in a program called d-vision that might help.

    Firstly, get a program called Hexedit ( http://hexedit.sourceforge.net/ ) and drop the movie onto it. Look at the start of the file (the header). If it is a proper avi, it will likely start with an RIFF code. Later on, you should see some other codes. Ones to look for are i263, iv32, iv4, iv5, divx, wmv, mp42. There are others but post what you see.

    Even better would be if you take a screenshot of the first couple of pages of code - don't paste the code because some forums don't recognise it.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    thanks i will try all of u guys suggestion...
  • Reply 4 of 8
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Certainly, as Lundy says, Flip4Mac before WMP 9, since MS has ceased development of WMP for Mac and is recommending Flip4Mac as the replacement.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    im-0nim-0n Posts: 47member
    it worked, after i update my quicktime from 7.01 to 7.04

    well not all avi...i dl bleach avi from, but still cant play it... but vlc really work ^^
  • Reply 6 of 8

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    how can i make my quicktime 7 can play most .avi files?

    it said there is a missing components ? i try to look 4 it but still couldnt find it..

    i try dl vlc player ...yes it can play avi, but error sometimes, slow, and jumping picture...

    next i try dl windows media player 9 for mac (last hope i think)

    but it didnt help at all...

    Quicktime can play some AVI formats but not all. AVI often requires add-ins called CODECs to play specific avi files. CODECs are usually made by 3rd parties. A lot aren't interested in making a mac version of their codec. If you open the Movie Info panel in the quicktime player (Apple-i) then under format it may tell you the name of the codec required. Look up the codec's website and see if they offer any solution. AVI is a ratty format to work with on both windows and mac, but especially on a mac. Try to download in other formats.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by iM-0N

    how can i make my quicktime 7 can play most .avi files?

    it said there is a missing components ? i try to look 4 it but still couldnt find it..

    i try dl vlc player ...yes it can play avi, but error sometimes, slow, and jumping picture...

    next i try dl windows media player 9 for mac (last hope i think)

    but it didnt help at all...

    Please see the last post in the "sticky" FAQ thread at the top of this (Genius Bar) forum.
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