Use Imageshack for your forum photo-posting needs. It's so much more friendly towards that sort of thing. Flickr is more for galleries, although you can try right-clicking on an image, choosing Copy Image Location or whatever, and then pasting it, although Flickr might ban hotlinking.
Use Imageshack for your forum photo-posting needs. It's so much more friendly towards that sort of thing. Flickr is more for galleries, although you can try right-clicking on an image, choosing Copy Image Location or whatever, and then pasting it, although Flickr might ban hotlinking.
Thanks I already use Imageshack I just thought I'd give Flickr a go!
Edit> I think your right Flickr wont allow hot linking, damn!
Use Imageshack for your forum photo-posting needs. It's so much more friendly towards that sort of thing. Flickr is more for galleries, although you can try right-clicking on an image, choosing Copy Image Location or whatever, and then pasting it, although Flickr might ban hotlinking.
Go to 'All Sizes' on your Flickr picture that you posted, and underneath every picture in every size, you have a direct link to the picture itself that ends in *jpg.
Put that link inbetween [ img] link [/img] tags and it will show up. Flickr has not banned hotlinking. If you're a Pro user, you have 2GB of bandwidth, if you're a regular user, I think it's something like 20MB - not sure on the last one.
Originally posted by Placebo
Use Imageshack for your forum photo-posting needs. It's so much more friendly towards that sort of thing. Flickr is more for galleries, although you can try right-clicking on an image, choosing Copy Image Location or whatever, and then pasting it, although Flickr might ban hotlinking.
Thanks I already use Imageshack I just thought I'd give Flickr a go!
Edit> I think your right Flickr wont allow hot linking, damn!
Originally posted by Placebo
Use Imageshack for your forum photo-posting needs. It's so much more friendly towards that sort of thing. Flickr is more for galleries, although you can try right-clicking on an image, choosing Copy Image Location or whatever, and then pasting it, although Flickr might ban hotlinking.
Go to 'All Sizes' on your Flickr picture that you posted, and underneath every picture in every size, you have a direct link to the picture itself that ends in *jpg.
Put that link inbetween [ img] link [/img] tags and it will show up. Flickr has not banned hotlinking. If you're a Pro user, you have 2GB of bandwidth, if you're a regular user, I think it's something like 20MB - not sure on the last one.
Anyway did it thanks!