help looking for some programs
I just got my macbook pro yesterday and I need some help looking for some programs
C++ (universal program)
Java (universal program)
Aim or something like it iChat is very weird to me with the apperance and the aim install for OS X crashes alot. Guess its not a universal.
A bittorent client i used to uses azureus on my windows machine something similar to that.
Is there a universal version of firefox?
and any other fun programs you guys suggest
C++ (universal program)
Java (universal program)
Aim or something like it iChat is very weird to me with the apperance and the aim install for OS X crashes alot. Guess its not a universal.
A bittorent client i used to uses azureus on my windows machine something similar to that.
Is there a universal version of firefox?
and any other fun programs you guys suggest
Originally posted by Andrew266
is xcode for java or c++ kind of got confused on the reading it said just for making programs for Mac OS X
Xcode allows you to program in any number of languages, including AppleScript, Objective-C, C++, and Java out of the box.
Originally posted by Andrew266
sorry i forgot to ask this one, i need a program that will play all video files including wma and divx.
Since the MPB will be the center of your world there is a site you might check out ( which has close to 15,000 OS X apps and notes the ones that are Universal. Everything from free ware to full commercial apps. You leg will be healed by the time you get through the full list.
Originally posted by Andrew266
thats an awsome list. Any suggestions on a simple C++ program. Xcode seems very good but is a little much for me at my level.
CPP Edit
Originally posted by Andrew266
thats an awsome list. Any suggestions on a simple C++ program. Xcode seems very good but is a little much for me at my level.
If you're starting with Xcode, try creating a new project with the C++ Tool template. That'll make a standard command line app, which is what most C++ tutorials start out on.
After a week or so playing with that, I'd recommend switching over to Objective-C, which is only about ten billion times better than C++, and far quicker to get started for GUI apps. There's two really good sites for Objective-C: has excellent tutorials is a wiki that's more of a reference / checking out quirky bugs in Cocoa
(Cocoa, by the way, is the API, or library, that Objective-C apps use).
edit: If you don't have one, I'd get a book on C or C++. You won't need a book for Objective-C, with the exception of some finer details, Objective-C is very self explanatory once you have some C basics.
Also, make sure you learn about pointers, which is probably the most difficult C concept for beginners yet are used almost exclusively in Cocoa.
Originally posted by Andrew266
I got a book by lafore but when i code like the book i get alot of errors for cout statments and using endl not to sure why. I included iostream.h and conio.h anything else is needed? Also i have been thaught to use main as a void and it seems not to like that
Crap, I know thats wrong, but I forget exactly whats right. You need to use just iostream. After that, you put "using namespace std;" if i'm not mistaken.
You can also type
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
Then you'll only have to type in cin/cout/endl in your code, but the "using namespace std;" is probably cleaner although it will allow the rest of the std namespace functions to be called without a global scope identifier.
The main reason i came here is to talk about Dreamweaver and Photosohp under Roseta.
Photoshop runs pretty good under Roseta with a 1gb of ram i have no problem with it. Indesign takes a lot longer to load than photosohop. Im going to upgrade to 2gb of ram soon so i believe that should be fine after that.
Dreamweaver runs pretty sluggish with 1gb of ram. the menus are slow but the actual runs fine under code and design view. Hopefully should be better with 2gb of ram.
// Program Name:Fraction Calculator **//
// Functionis: Fractions Using Classes\t\t\t\t\t **//
// Input:User inputs 2 fractions and an operator **//
// Output:Answer to Equation and Simplified fraction **//
//************************************************** ********//
// Compiler Directives
#include <iostream.h>
//#include <conio.h>
class Fraction
{ private:
double numerator;
double denominator;
Fraction(int num, int den);
Fraction add(Fraction f1);
Fraction sub(Fraction f1);
Fraction mult(Fraction f1);
Fraction div(Fraction f1);
int gcd(int num1, int num2);
void simplify();
void display() const;
// Over Loaded Operators //
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction:: operator +(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction:: operator -(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction:: operator *(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction:: operator /(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction::operator ++(int); //postfix
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction::operator ++(); //prefix
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction::operator --(int); //postfix
\t\t\t\t\tFraction Fraction::operator --(); //prefix
\t\t\t\t\tbool Fraction::operator ==(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tbool Fraction::operator <(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tbool Fraction::operator >(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tbool Fraction::operator <=(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tbool Fraction::operator >=(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tbool Fraction::operator !=(Fraction f1);
\t\t\t\t\tFraction::operator float();
void heading();
void welcome();
class NF1: public Fraction {
void heading();
void invert();
class NF2: public Fraction {
void heading();
void square();
int main(){ // start main
int op, op1;
bool ans;
Fraction test1(1,2);
Fraction test2(1,4);
Fraction test3=test1;
NF1 test4;
NF2 test5;
cout << "1) Normal Fracition program" << endl << "2)New Fraction Program 1" << endl
<< "2) New Fraction Program 2" << endl << "Please Enter the number of the program you would like to execute: ";
cin >> op1;
case 1:
cout << "1) Use the ' + ' operation " << endl
<< "2) Use the ' - ' operation " << endl
<< "3) Use the ' * ' operation " << endl
<< "4) Use the ' / ' operation " << endl
<< "5) Use the ' ++ Postfix ' operation " << endl
<< "6) Use the ' ++ Prefix ' operation " << endl
<< "7) Use the ' -- Postfix ' operation " << endl
<< "8) Use the ' -- Prefix ' operation " << endl
<< "9) Use the ' == ' operation " << endl
<< "10) Use the ' < ' operation " << endl
<< "11) Use the ' > ' operation " << endl
<< "12) Use the ' <= ' operation " << endl
<< "13) Use the ' >= ' operation " << endl;
cout << "Enter a value for your choice: ";
cin >> op;
case 1:
test3 = test1 + test2;
case 2:
test3= (test1 - test2);
case 3:
test3 = (test1 * test2);
case 4:
test3= (test1 / test2);
case 5:
test3= test1++;
case 6:
test3= ++test1;
case 7:
test3 = test1--;
case 8:
test3= --test1;
case 9:
if (test1 == test2)
ans = true;
cout << ans;
case 10:
if (test1 < test2)
ans = true;
cout << ans;
case 11:
if (test1 > test2)
ans = true;
cout << ans;
case 12:
if (test1 <= test2)
ans = true;
cout << ans;
case 13:
if (test1 >= test2)
ans = true;
cout << ans;
case 14:
if (test1 != test2)
ans = true;
cout << ans;
\tcout << " Thank you for using this fraction program" << endl;
case 2:
case 3:
cout <<" Goodbye ";
// getch();
} // end main
{ numerator = 1.0;
denominator = 2.0;
\tFraction::Fraction(int num, int den)
{ numerator = num;
denominator = den;
\tFraction Fraction::add(Fraction f1) {
Fraction temp;
temp.numerator = (numerator * f1.denominator + denominator * f1.numerator);
temp.denominator = denominator * f1.denominator;
return temp;
\tFraction Fraction::sub(Fraction f1) {
Fraction temp;
temp.numerator = (numerator * f1.denominator - denominator * f1.numerator);
temp.denominator = denominator * f1.denominator;
\treturn temp;
\tFraction Fraction::mult(Fraction f1) {
Fraction temp;
temp.numerator = numerator * f1.numerator;
temp.denominator = denominator * f1.denominator;
return temp;
\tFraction Fraction::div(Fraction f1) {
Fraction temp;
temp.numerator = numerator * f1.denominator;
temp.denominator = denominator * f1.numerator;
return temp;
\tint Fraction::gcd(int num1, int num2) { // Find the greatest common divisior using Euclid's Algorithim
int temp;
while (num2 != 0) {
temp = num2;
\t num2 = num1 % num2;
\tnum1 = temp;
\t }
\t return num1;
\tvoid Fraction::simplify(){
int num = numerator;
int den = denominator;
int div;
div = gcd(num,den);
if (div==1)
\tcout << endl << "Your fraction can not be simplified any further" << endl;
\t numerator = numerator /div;
\t denominator = denominator / div;
\t cout << endl << "Your simplified fraction is ";
\tvoid Fraction::display() const{
cout << numerator << " / " << denominator;
// Over Loaded Operators //
Fraction Fraction:: operator +(Fraction f1){
int num = (numerator * f1.denominator + denominator * f1.numerator);
int den = denominator * f1.denominator;
return Fraction(num,den);}
Fraction Fraction:: operator -(Fraction f1){
int num = (numerator * f1.denominator - denominator * f1.numerator);
int den = denominator * f1.denominator;
\treturn Fraction(num,den);}
Fraction Fraction:: operator *(Fraction f1){
int num = numerator * f1.numerator;
int den = denominator * f1.denominator;
return Fraction(num,den);}
Fraction Fraction:: operator /(Fraction f1){
int num = numerator * f1.denominator;
int den = denominator * f1.numerator;
return Fraction(num,den);}
Fraction Fraction::operator ++(int){
Fraction temp(numerator,denominator);
numerator = (2 * denominator + 2 * numerator);
denominator = 2 * denominator;
return temp;
} //postfix
Fraction Fraction::operator ++(){
numerator = (2 * denominator + 2 * numerator);
denominator = 2 * denominator;
Fraction temp(numerator,denominator);
return temp;
} //postfix
Fraction Fraction::operator --(int){
Fraction temp(numerator,denominator);
numerator = (1 * denominator - 2 * numerator);
denominator = 2 * denominator;
\treturn temp;} //postfix
Fraction Fraction::operator --(){
numerator = (1 * denominator - 2 * numerator);
denominator = 2 * denominator;
Fraction temp(numerator,denominator);
\treturn temp;} //prefix
bool Fraction::operator ==(Fraction f1){
\tif(numerator == f1.numerator && denominator == f1.denominator){
\t\treturn true;// 1 is true
\treturn false;// 0 is false
bool Fraction::operator <(Fraction f1){
\tif(numerator < f1.numerator){
\t\treturn true;// 1 is true
\treturn false;// 0 is false
bool Fraction::operator >(Fraction f1){
\tif(numerator > f1.numerator){
\t\treturn true;// 1 is true
\treturn false;// 0 is false
bool Fraction::operator <=(Fraction f1){
\tif(numerator <= f1.numerator){
\t\treturn true;// 1 is true
\treturn false;// 0 is false
bool Fraction::operator >=(Fraction f1){
\tif(numerator >= f1.numerator){
\t\treturn true;// 1 is true
\treturn false;// 0 is false
bool Fraction::operator !=(Fraction f1){
\tif(numerator != f1.numerator){
\t\treturn true;// 1 is true
\treturn false;// 0 is false
Fraction::operator float(){
float ds;
ds = (static_cast<float>(numerator)/(static_cast<float>(denominator)));
return ds;
void Fraction::heading(){
cout << "This is the Original Fraction Calculator" << endl;
void Fraction::welcome(){
cout << "Welcome to the Fraction Calculator" << endl;
void NF1::heading(){
cout<<"This is New Fraction Calculatro 1" << endl;
void NF1::invert(){
double temp;
temp = numerator;
numerator = denominator;
denominator =temp;
void NF2::heading(){
cout <<"This is New Fraction Calculator 2" << endl;
void NF2::square(){
numerator = numerator * numerator;
denominator = denominator * denominator;
Transmission rather than Azureus if you prefer speed to bells and whistles.