Photoshop Album -> iPhoto

in Mac Software edited January 2014

I'm just switching, and already have 90% of my data on my new Mac, and the only missing thing are my photos (~6000) stored in Photoshop Album SE on a Windows machine.

Does anyone know how to transfer the entire PSA library to iPhoto?

The problem is that all the files are oddly distributed all over the computer, but listed in the library.

I can either transfer by CD-R or Ethernet.

Thanks in advance,



  • Reply 1 of 1
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 583member
    There's no direct transfer that I know of.

    Just burn them all to a CD or put them all in 1 location on your PC and then drag them into the main iPhoto window.

    You would probably loose any unique settings you did in Photoshop Album but it should keep any metadata you might have added.
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