Did Apple Buy Silicon Grail?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
<a href="http://www.vfxpro.com/brief/mainv/0,2444,35749,00.html"; target="_blank">VFX Pro small tidbit </a>

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Ray Feeney has sold Silicon Grail, maker of compositing software RAYZ, to an undisclosed buyer. Insiders speculate that the buyer is Apple.

Feeney founded Silicon Grail in 1995 with the aim of providing efficient, cost-effective, software-based compositing solutions optimized for feature film and large format resolutions. He also founded RFX, an integrator of digital effects technology. Already a four-time Academy Award-winner, Feeney won the John A. Bonner Medal of Commendation at the 2002 Sci-Tech Oscars.


  • Reply 1 of 13
    Looking at the screen shots, <a href="http://www.silicongrail.com/products/rayz_screenshots.html"; target="_blank">here</a>, it looks like something Apple would do
  • Reply 2 of 13
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    This doesn't seem plausible because it seems to conflict with the purchase of Nothing Real.
  • Reply 3 of 13
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    no it wouldn't it would just mean (as i am almost sure) all wants to OWN the hollywood tools market. then again it could be adobe.
  • Reply 4 of 13
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    also, unless i am wrong apple bought 2 separate dvd tools companies. over the last 2 years?
  • Reply 5 of 13
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    [quote]Originally posted by keyboardf12:

    <strong>also, unless i am wrong apple bought 2 separate dvd tools companies. over the last 2 years?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're right they're Astarte and Spruce Technologies.
  • Reply 6 of 13
    In fact, There are a few things in Silicon Grail products that would be of interest to Apple in light of their recent purchase of Nothing Real.

    Grain Match Technology, Warping Technology, and the other things that Silicon Grain got from Kodak's Cineon machine in the Kodak/Silicon Grail partnership. Not to mention anything that they were working on that wasn't released yet. Silicon Grail's Chalice and Rays have a pretty big reputation for speed. Anything Apple could get from these would be great integrated into shake. What I suspect is that they were doing really well with 3D features and Nothing Real wasn't. So they bought into it. (I hope)
  • Reply 7 of 13
    I do think there could be a chance that Apple bought Silicon Grail but where is the press release? Every buy-out Apple has done they have released a press release for...if I am wrong, please correct me
  • Reply 8 of 13
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by the_unknown_source:

    <strong>I do think there could be a chance that Apple bought Silicon Grail but where is the press release? Every buy-out Apple has done they have released a press release for...if I am wrong, please correct me</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sometimes it can take about a week before Apple actually announce it with a press release.

    J :cool:
  • Reply 9 of 13
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    This is what I am talking about!

    Apple is gonna step into the high-end of Hollywood SFX in a big way in the next year, and the whole WinBlows market is gonna tank out...

    But that could just be my opinion...

    :cool: Maya for Mac OS X :cool:
  • Reply 10 of 13
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    <a href="http://www.sgrail.com/"; target="_blank">http://www.sgrail.com/</a>;

    My question is answered. Apple's trying to become the 400lb Gorilla of Digital Video.
  • Reply 11 of 13
    sizzle chestsizzle chest Posts: 1,133member
    Holy smoke -- it's the real deal! It's refreshing when a rumor turns out to be true for once.
  • Reply 12 of 13
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Now we will need to see some kick-ass hardware
  • Reply 13 of 13
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Leonis:

    <strong>Now we will need to see some kick-ass hardware </strong><hr></blockquote>

    If I cross my fingers any harder, they'll snap in two.
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