Help looking for a tablet

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi guys, I am looking for a tablet for educational use (taking notes) and would like some advice as to what to get. I am extremely know to tablets, so I do not want to buy something I will be unable to use out-of-the-box, although I will sacrifice time to figure things out if it is actually worth getting one that requires it. I have very basic needs, so the simpler the better! I would also like this to replace my 12" 1.5 PB G4 (only used for notes).

-- Decent handwritting recognition

-- Mac compatibility (Word, iWork, Syncing, etc...)

-- A program to handwrite notes

-- Wireless Internet

-- Greater than 5.5 hours of battery life

-- Around 8"-10"

-- Under 4 pounds

Thanks for the help, I greatly appreciate it!



  • Reply 1 of 3

    Originally posted by noah93

    Hi guys, I am looking for a tablet for educational use (taking notes) and would like some advice as to what to get. I am extremely know to tablets, so I do not want to buy something I will be unable to use out-of-the-box, although I will sacrifice time to figure things out if it is actually worth getting one that requires it. I have very basic needs, so the simpler the better! I would also like this to replace my 12" 1.5 PB G4 (only used for notes).

    -- Decent handwritting recognition

    -- Mac compatibility (Word, iWork, Syncing, etc...)

    -- A program to handwrite notes

    -- Wireless Internet

    -- Greater than 5.5 hours of battery life

    -- Around 8"-10"

    -- Under 4 pounds

    Thanks for the help, I greatly appreciate it!


    Why not get an iBook or something? Typing is only about 100 times faster than writing something by hand...
  • Reply 2 of 3
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    I can type much faster than I can write and it's a good deal more legible too. With my iBook I could do some really cool stuff using omniGraffle and omniOutliner.

    On topic I'm not sure any existing device is really going to satisfy your needs perfectly. In fact, your PB may be one of the better solutions out there ATM (unless you're REALLY jones'ing for some tablet action).
  • Reply 3 of 3
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Wrong forum you might want to try If you need a recommendation from a Mac user then the X41 Lenova IBM Tablet is hands down the best out there.
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