Sources confirm Internet Explorer 6.0 for Mac
Think Secret is reporting that the next update to Internet Explorer will indeed be IE 6.0!
<a href="" target="_blank">Read Here</a>
I have a few issues I'd love to see fixed on IE 6.0.
Question to all of you:
On a daily basis I work with web-based administration tools that contain unwieldly pulldown menus. In other words, many of them contain several hundred choices, sometimes several thousand.
On a PC in IE 5 or 6, these menus load very quickly. On a Mac in IE 5.1, these menus take forever to load (20-30 seconds).
On PC-IE5/6, clicking on the pulldown menu brings up the options immediately in a scrollable window.
On Mac-IE5.1, clicking on the pulldown menu does nothing for the first few seconds, then when it does come up, the menu items are jumbled and overlapping. The items are in a scrollable menu from the top of the screen to the bottom, and only part of the jumbled menu is scrollable.
Do you think this is:
a) an implementation bug in the browser
b) an issue due to Apple's interface guidelines
c) both
That's just one of the issues I've had with IE.
Any others you hope to see fixed??
I could create an example if anyone would like to see it.
[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: RosettaStoned ]</p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Read Here</a>
I have a few issues I'd love to see fixed on IE 6.0.
Question to all of you:
On a daily basis I work with web-based administration tools that contain unwieldly pulldown menus. In other words, many of them contain several hundred choices, sometimes several thousand.
On a PC in IE 5 or 6, these menus load very quickly. On a Mac in IE 5.1, these menus take forever to load (20-30 seconds).
On PC-IE5/6, clicking on the pulldown menu brings up the options immediately in a scrollable window.
On Mac-IE5.1, clicking on the pulldown menu does nothing for the first few seconds, then when it does come up, the menu items are jumbled and overlapping. The items are in a scrollable menu from the top of the screen to the bottom, and only part of the jumbled menu is scrollable.
Do you think this is:
a) an implementation bug in the browser
b) an issue due to Apple's interface guidelines
c) both
That's just one of the issues I've had with IE.
Any others you hope to see fixed??
I could create an example if anyone would like to see it.
[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: RosettaStoned ]</p>
<strong>On Mac-IE5.1, clicking on the pulldown menu does nothing for the first few seconds, then when it does come up, the menu items are jumbled and overlapping. The items are in a scrollable menu from the top of the screen to the bottom, and only part of the jumbled menu is scrollable.</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> I really wish I could figure out just what you are talking about. I've never seen my menus "jumbled" as you described. Please do post a picture or provide a link to a page with a popup menu that does this.
As for the speed issue, what are the specs on your Mac? When I click on menus, it rarely takes more than a couple seconds to display.
[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> I really wish I could figure out just what you are talking about. I've never seen my menus "jumbled" as you described. Please do post a picture or provide a link to a page with a popup menu that does this.
[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
StarfleetX, keep in mind that I work with VERY long lists of information, some having a few thousand items.
Here is an example page I put together that you can check it out for yourself:
Notice: menu is 480k, and has known to crash some Mac browsers, but for some reason works quickly and without error on a PC.
<a href="" target="_blank">Movie List</a>
Try the page above on a Mac (I use IE 5.1 in OSX) then try it on a PC, IE 5 or 6. You won't believe the difference!
I've also made a screenshot of exactly what I see:
<a href="" target="_blank">Jumbled Pulldown Menu</a>
My guess is that if Microsoft ignored Apple Interface Guidelines and put the pulldown menus in a controlled scrollable window, we wouldn't have this problem. This probably also causes the lengthy load times. Anyone else deal with this?
Either way, I can't wait to see what MS does with IE 6.0 for Mac. I assume it will be OS X only.
[ 06-12-2002: Added notice about size of pulldown menu and potential crashes ]
[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: RosettaStoned ]</p>
StarfleetX, keep in mind that I work with VERY long lists of information, some having a few thousand items.
Here is an example page I put together that you can check it out for yourself:
<a href="" target="_blank">Movie List</a>
Try the page above on a Mac (I use IE 5.1 in OSX) then try it on a PC, IE 5 or 6. You won't believe the difference!
I've also made a screenshot of exactly what I see:
<a href="" target="_blank">Jumbled Pulldown Menu</a>
My guess is that if Microsoft ignored Apple Interface Guidelines and put the pulldown menus in a controlled scrollable window, we wouldn't have this problem. This probably also causes the lengthy load times. Anyone else deal with this?
Either way, I can't wait to see what MS does with IE 6.0 for Mac. I assume it will be OS X only.
[ 06-12-2002: Message edited by: RosettaStoned ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
I don't have to deal with this, but what a mess! (I tried out your link for "fun" on my iBook 600 MhZ). That's gotta suck. Does it work okay on other browsers?
<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Movie List</a></strong><hr></blockquote> :eek: Wowzers.
Yeah, errmm. Well, sheesh. Ya' got me man.
Second, that is simply poor UI design by anybody's standards. They should use a scorolling list.
Finally, My guess it that it takes Quartz a while to render and anti-alias all the list items and compose the menu bitmap... which must be scrolled. Or... something like that is taking so long.
This was not a fun thread. I lost all my open Windows while searching on Hot Jobs.
<strong>First, Edit your post, because nobody should try your example undless they are prepared to crash their browser. Trust me... it's a long menu that takes for ever to load and display in both IE and Omniweb.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I added a notice to my post, however I've never had it crash a browser. I just tested in IE, Netscape, Mozilla, OmniWeb and Chimera and none crashed. My apologies. Have you tried it on a PC?? You should.
[quote]<strong>Second, that is simply poor UI design by anybody's standards. They should use a scorolling list.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I agree, and the tools I use have both. However, either way, it takes MUCH longer to load on the Mac than the PC.
[quote]<strong>Finally, My guess it that it takes Quartz a while to render and anti-alias all the list items and compose the menu bitmap... which must be scrolled. Or... something like that is taking so long.</strong><hr></blockquote>
It's not Quartz. Try it in OS 9. Same thing. I still think it's just the nature of the long scrolling list, due to Apple Interface Guidelines.
[QB]StarfleetX, keep in mind that I work with VERY long lists of information, some having a few thousand items.
Here is an example page I put together that you can check it out for yourself:
I've also made a screenshot of exactly what I see:
<a href="" target="_blank">Jumbled Pulldown Menu</a>QB]<hr></blockquote>
Definately an MS/IE Mac/OS X bungle...on all fronts. I tried the link to the scrolling list on Windows IE 6 here at work and it loaded (DSL) in 20 seconds...and worked the way any scrolling list should.
From the screen capture it's evident that the browser doesn't even create a scroller at all. Seems to be a MS/IE 5 Mac would think this would be routine in including since on many sites (retail for example) that have long "Choose Your Country" listings. Also with intranet sites.
Or as a web designer/developer for now, wouldn't a scrolling window work instead?
Anyways...hope this issue is addressed to whomever needs it addressed to.
this is bizarre to say the least.