Description Button - Information Window in iTunes

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I've been ripping some of my DVD's to hard drive to play on my 5g iPod seeing as we don't get any TV shows on iTunes here in the UK (hint hint Apple). I'm using the app Lostify to tag all the TV shows as iTunes doesn't offer that yet (hint hint). I was wondering, I know that with the bought TV Shows the Description Tab shows a short desciprtion and then you can click on the 'i' button to bring up an information window showing the full description, name of show and episode like this:

That's all the fine, the problem I'm having is that when I add a description I get no button, like so:

Is there any way of making it so the 'i' button shows up? Is there a tick box in preferences or anything that I'm missing? Or is it the app Lostify that stops it from working, or if there's a script to make it work? Any ideas would help. Thanks.
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